10 Interesting and unknown facts about Singapore

Marina Bay skyline

Unknown facts about Singapore: One of the most peaceful and popular vacation destinations is Singapore. It is the perfect blend of religion, culture, and entertainment. This country has always been an attraction because of its cleanliness, greenery, gorgeous Marina Bay skyline, helix bridge, and much more.

Shopping is love and that is never going to change. But once you visit a country with countless malls to shop you carry an extra bag while returning. And Singapore is the land of unnumbered malls. Such a fantastic place has something interesting to serve you as well, something you must have never heard of.

Let us explore more about this country by unveiling the unknown facts about Singapore.

Unveiling interesting facts about Singapore

1. Local language gets consideration

The official languages of Singapore are English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. But a total of 5 languages are spoken here, 5th language is local language i.e. Singlish. The point of consideration is that 27 words of this language are part of the Oxford dictionary.

2. Fastest pedestrians are here

People here are the world’s fastest pedestrians. They walk with a speed of 6.15 kilometers per hour.

3. National Anthem on back of SGD 1000

The entire national anthem of Singapore is printed on the back of SGD 1000 in the form of micro-text.

4. Land of 63 islands

This is country is home to 63 islands. Which enhances the beauty and versatility of this country. This count also includes offshore islands.

5. Chewing gum not allowed

In order to maintain cleanliness chewing gum is completely prohibited here except for those who have some medical prescriptions are permitted to have one.

Also Read: Interesting and unknown facts about Japan

6. Not flushing is punishable

As cleanliness and hygiene is the priority, strict rules are meant to make that happen. Not flushing after using public toilets is considered as a punishable offense. If caught for not flushing then a penalty of GSD 150 is charged.

7. No more hippe culture

Hippe culture is not promoted here. Thereby the country has stringent norms which include that men can not have long hair. And that is followed by law.

8. Mandatory military service for all men

Giving priority to serving the nation, military service is mandatory. After completing high school compulsory 2 years of military service is essential.

9. First night zoo came from here

To promote tourism and to attract tourists, the Singapore government continuously works to create something interesting and different. So it came up with the world’s first night zoo i.e. Singapore Night Safari.

10. Caning is still legal

Caning as a way of punishing is still legal. Any serious mistake will lead you to this punishment procedure. Beware!

These were some of the interesting and unknown facts about Singapore that surely must have boggled your mind once.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.