It is rightly said, no couple in this world is similar or perfect. Each one has its own definition of love and being perfect. However, below are listed few traits of couples that people who want their relationship to last, do.
1. Give space to each other

The two people need to also maintain the personal space of each other. It is not only important to show love but also value each other’s choices and personal space. When on one hand it is necessary to spend long time with each other but also on the other hand it is important to encourage that some time should be spent in the company of one’s friends.
2. PDA is not the issue to argue
Public display of affection is never the issue to fight with each other. In a serious relationship it is quite obvious that both the partners are matured enough to sustain through all these issues.
3. Being comfortable with each other
When a couple starts to get comfortable in their own skin, there is no space for awkwardness. Such relations are always said to long last because there is no need to pretend in front of one another.
4. Talking behind each other’s back is not a practice
There is no room for habits such as talking behind each other’s back. A healthy relationship always has a space where both the people can talk to each other on their face about the things they like or dislike. Talking to a third person about one’s partner will always contribute in making the relationship suffer.
5. Partner’s family is equally important
Healthy relationship is not just limited to limited to care for one another. The family of one’s partner also becomes equally important. If a person starts to care for your family, then he/she is definitely the one who can keep the relationship working. However, this concern should be both ways.
6. Love is always superior than ego
A long lasting and lovable relationship has no room for ego. Everyone is aware of the fact that every relationships have situations of anger, but at the same time, strong couples know where to draw the line.
7. Always supportive towards each other’s passions
Loving a person always comes with valuing the passions of your partner. In fact, not only accepting the passions but also respecting the same. Hence, always try to understand and value the passions of your partner to make the relationship long lasting.
8. They do not want to change each other
Falling in love with the original personality of your partner is always the true sign of love. It does not mean, to overlook the bad habits of your loved ones but one should always have a room for accepting the qualities of the person they love which are not similar to them.
9. Taking care of each other
Care is the affection which is other name of love. Hence, always show love, care and affection towards your partner. Especially in the situations they are not well or going through tough times.
10. Do not bring past tiffs in between
The only way to keep a relationship going and healthy, is not to bring the old tiffs between the present fights. Make it a point to share each and every problems they are going through, at the right time and not after the time has passed.