5 candies from 90s that we still crave for even today

If you are a 90s kid, you must remember those sweet candies you ate at the time of visit to Nani’s or Dadi’s houses during vacations. The candies which were available back then, we beyond perfect and the love of every child.

There is no doubt to the fact that the candies for the kids were of great varieties for the kids back in the 90s. Several candies were uniquely made but somehow, vanished with passing time. However, we still miss those flavors and sweetness which those candies bought with them. Today, Talepost brings you the list of the 90s candies which will make you recall your childhood.

5 candies from the 90s we still miss!!

1. Chocki

Well, Cadbury is an established and popular brand among people in different parts of the world. Back in the years of 90s, there was a milky chocolate called, Chocki which was favorite of every kid. This candy surely gave the feeling of full-paisa-wasool because of its taste. It came packed in thin plastic pipe packaging.

2. Big Babol

We still have chewing gums of more and more varities in today’s date. However, during those earlier years, it was only Big Babol and its sweet and tempting taste. Kids during those days used to roll over with happiness after receiving or buying one.

3. Poppins

Each one of the 90s kids remembers the colourful Poppins. It came in a back of all the rainbow colours and each had a different flavour. This packet of Poppins always had few of the most liked flavours and some which were liked not at all.

4. Center Shock

How can someone ever forget the legendary chewing gum, Center Shock. It was a gum which first when kids bite was full of sour and tangy juices. After chewing the same for few seconds it tasted like a regular gum, sweet in taste.

5. Phantom Sweet Cigarettes

Yes, kids back in the 90s did flaunt smoking by popping up a candy cigarette by Phantom which has a red coloured tip. It was fully a sugar candy of white colour. Children loved to enjoy those.

This is not it there are many other candies back from the 90s we still wish to eat.

Gargi Rohatgi: