8 Best Foods to Order on a Date Night at Home While Saving Money

We have all heard how the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. So whether you are single and looking for the special one or in a stable, happy relationship, there are always some foods that you can order to get you in the mood and make your date night a total success. With the seamless support of platforms like Swiggy you don’t even have to go through all the hassle to make that delicious food. All you need to do is an order from your choice of cuisine and it will be delivered at your doorstep on time with care made fresh and delicious than you could have asked.

Some of these amazing date night foods are:

1. Oysters

Oysters are the ultimate date night food cause if cooked perfectly, they are delicious as well as healthy. They help reduce inflammation and also very low in calories so you won’t feel a little full or uncomfortable even after you have galloped a few. It is very easy to prepare food so you also won’t have to wait long after you order. It is one of the best dishes to start your date night with.

2. Bite-sized pasta

When you think about pasta, it doesn’t come to you like a date night food rather more of a homemade snack. But bite-sized pasta like ziti, penne, they can be a great choice if ordered from the perfect place. Also, they don’t have the chances to spill on your clothes and making the date night messy.

3. Sushi

Sushi is a nice and clean dish to order and it works most of the time. All you need to do is get a little grip on the use of chopsticks and you will be just fine. Sushi dishes often come with some ginger on the side which aids digestion also. Even if your date is a vegetarian or both of you don’t like the idea of raw fish, still you can order some veg sushi yummy rolls.

4. Chicken

Fish can be a little smelly at times so you can go for the safe option that is chicken and all of the restaurants have quite a number of chicken dishes.  All you need to do is just don’t wildly rush on it, take your time, take small bites while chatting. Also, Fried Chicken is found to be voted the best date night food so you can see why it is mentioned here.

5. Tapas

Sometimes date nights may feel like a big commitment so it may become formal. Tapas foods are just the middle ground so if you want you can cut the date short or you can even extend it based on your experience and choice. Tapas is a type of food that is also not at all too spicy so you can easily dive into it with a knife and dork without much hesitation.

6. Risotto

Risotto is the type of dish, none can make a mess out of it. They go well with either fork or spoon and even if you spill, chances of stains are minimum. Every culture has its own type of rice dish so you are quite safe with it, no matter you are ordering from what type of restaurants. Also, they are easy to digest so you can have enough to do stuff even after your date night ends like debriefing friends about it.

7. Quesadilla

If you wanna go for Mexican, it is the best and safest option cause I am sure your date doesn’t wanna bite into a burrito with her perfectly placed lipstick. All of the Mexican restaurants have it so you don’t have to worry about finding it. It also doesn’t have beans which may make you feel a little bloated later on.

8. Dessert

You can always finish up with some sweet dessert whether it is chocolate or strawberry or something else of your choice and also hers. Chocolate can also arouse the moods and even a milkshake or ice cream can also help. Actually anything sweet can make your maybe a kiss later more delightful and better.

After going through this article, you can easily understand the foods you can and should order while on a date night at home plus because of the online platforms like Swiggy you can also save some money out of it.  Like free delivery option on selected foods over just Rs. 99 or special offers like for Mobikwik users or Paytm users. Whatever you order and whatever coupon you use, you can easily save at least 20-30% on your order and also the time and hassle to make the food.
