Every year 22nd April is observed as a World Earth Day all across the world. This day is observed by people all around the world, annually to support and demonstrate the efforts taken by people from different parts of the world to protect and sustain our mother earth. On this 50th anniversary of World Earth Day, the theme for the day is “climatic change”. It is every year that some of the other themes are set for the special day. Given the fact that the day is soon approaching, we should encourage ourselves and people around us to become more aware of the environment and how they can contribute their bit in saving the same.
The History of World Earth Day

This day was first celebrated in the year 1970 and in today’s date 22nd April is observed as World Earth Day in more than 193 countries all over the world. Not only this, but there have also been times when people observe earth week as well. The person who convinced the federal government that the planet earth is at risk was the newly elected U.S Senator, Gaylord Nelson.
How was first World Earth Day celebrated?
The way the first World Earth Day on 22nd April 1970 was celebrated in the most unique way. There were rallies organized in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago and various other cities of America. Not only this, but there were also many famous places in cities like New York City which were closed so that more and more number of people can gather around and speak for the various causes and measures to save the environment. Some of the most famous speeches were given by singer Pete Seeger which actually helped convincing people that their planet was at risk and there is a dire need to take some urgent steps.
As a result of this, according to a poll conducted in May 1971, almost 25% of people finally said that their main goal of the year is to protect and save the environment. As time passed, the number of people having concern about the environment started to increase significantly. It was finally during the year 1970 that many new Acts, rules, and regulations were passed in the interest of the environment to improve the quality of air, water, soil, etc.
Why is World Earth Day celebrated on 22nd April every year?

Have you ever given a thought to the fact that why World Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April only every year? If yes, then here’s the answer to your question. The motive of the observation of the first World Earth Day was not only too aware people of the depleting environment condition but to also resolve the conflicts of people which were caused due to pollution, oil spills, toxins in the environment, etc. Our readers would be shocked to know that on 22nd April 1970 there were more than 20 million people who took to streets to spread awareness about the environment.
Why is mother earth smiling on 50th World Earth Day?
In today’s date, almost everyone around the world is aware of the pandemic- COVID 19 which has hit the world. This deadly virus has bought the world under a complete lockdown. The pause which has been put on all the human activities have actually cause mother earth to heal itself. In fact, just a few days ago there was a report shared by various space agencies of the world that stated the ozone layer which had depleted long ago has finally started to repair and heal itself. The amount of pollution which had significantly increased in the whole world has been decreased to a great extent. The wildlife has also started to increase again. There is no doubt that COVID-19 had hit the world’s economy very hard but at the same time, it has also given mother the much needed time to heal itself.