“If we are to fight discrimination and injustice against women we must start from the home for if a woman cannot be safe in her own house then she cannot be expected to feel safe anywhere.”

Violence Against Women (VAW) is the violent acts committed against women or girls. The UN Declaration on the elimination of VAW states that:-
” Violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women”.
KOFI ANNAN, SECRETARY GENERAL OF UN posted on the UNIFEM website, ” Violence against women and girls is the problem of pandemic proportions. Out of every three women, at least one woman all around the world has been beaten, intimidate into sex, abused in her lifetime by the abuser to whom she doesn’t know properly.
Every woman or girl has the right to live freely. Stop Violence against women is a worldwide campaign which was started on 5th March 2004. This campaign mainly focuses to stop Violence who tries to commit it. There are many types of violence existing in homes these days. They are:-
Physical violence: Physical violence can include slaps, shoves, hits, punches, pushes, being thrown downstairs or across the room, kicking, twisting of arms, choking, and being burnt or stabbed.
Psychological and emotional: Psychological and emotional abuse can include a range of controlling behaviors such as control of finances, isolation from family and friends, continual humiliation, threats against children, or being threatened with injury or death.
Financial or economic: Financial or economic abuse includes forcibly controlling another person’s money or other assets. It is also concerned with stealing cash, which neither allows a victim to take part in any financial decisions nor let him/her do any job.
Family violence: Family violence occurs between family members and intimate partners. It is most widely seen at homes and especially the main violence is on the women themselves who play a major role in the family.
Sexual assault: Sexual assault or sexual violence can include rape, sexual assault with implements, enforced prostitution, and being made to have sex with friends.
Now the main point is how to stop violence against women
- Educate yourself on violence against women.
- Speak out against all forms of violence.
- Respect your partner’s right to disagree or have their own opinion.
- Teach kids that they should respect everyone whatsoever relation it is.
- Report, if you witness any type of sexual harassment in your school.
- Respect women.
- Praise women and girls according to their looks.
- Think globally and act locally.
- speak carefully and respectfully when you are speaking to women in your life.
- Raise your voice against them who commit such type of violence.
- Treat all women and girls with respect.
- Speak out against racist, sexist or homophobic jokes.
Violence against women is a problem faced by all women and young girls around the world. The core document of the Beijing Conference, Governments declared, “Violence against
women constitutes a violation of basic human rights and is an obstacle to the
achievement of the objectives of equality, development, and peace”. Rape is still being used as a weapon of war which leads women and young girls to die. Talepost media tells you to respect every woman and girl as ” Respecting a woman is the best way to tell how beautiful she is…
Violence against women is a major problem faced by almost every women and young girls around the world. It mostly affects the women of all caste, races, and discrimination. This type of crime is not new in India. Nowadays, rape acts as a weapon of war faced by every woman. Talepost Media tells you to respects every woman and girl as ” respecting a woman is the best way to tell how beautiful she is…..”