A New Update on Modi’s Promise of Paying 15 Lakh

Over the decades, Indian government which has always managed to be in lime-light for their non-reliable promises. The Modi government hold the old saying very true, “Promises are meant to be broken”.  If we trace the timeline back to the year 2014, at the time, Narendra Modi was contesting the PM elections of India, he had promised the citizens with many hopes.  One of the biggest committment made by the present PM of our country was, “If I will be elected as the PM of the country, I will eradicate all the black money and transfer 15 Lakh to each poor citizen of India”.

At the end we all are also well-aware of the fact how many promises have actually been employed to the fulfillment.

This promise is yet unfulfilled by our respectable PM. When the same questions were put to Narendra Modi, he was left with no rigid answers.

The Union Minister, Ramdas Athawale on 17 December 2018 made a statement.  “15 Lakh rupees (promised by the central government in every bank account) will come slowly, not at a single time. Asked for money from RBI but they are not giving. So the amount can’t be collected. There are some technical issues”. All our readers without any second thoughts can reach to the conclusion of how genuine this statement is.

Yet another Master Stroke well played by the Modi Government.

Gargi Rohatgi: