Global warming: After the introduction of mobile phones, people have turned into blocks. Yes! Blockchains No! Not a cryptocurrency but are also interconnected with one another. This is the best example set by humans to communicate that, this huge world has turned out to be small.
People back in the past didn’t have many options, but what can we say evolution takes place with a great impact. We all know pigeons have trained now also but previously they were trained to send messages. What a journey human has started and is still going but some points we should and we can take care of, but we do not do so, because it is so not in trend. Saving water not trending! Saving trees not trending!
We have evolved but we have not learned a lesson till now. Which the ancient people learned but as they learned, this is dangerous they went Boom! Vanished, keeping behind their pyramids, temples and a lot of interesting other things. We will also learn a lesson but why not learn it now why wait for the final stage of the earth saying “time to evacuate” Bye! Boom! Again this will happen so, don’t take tension we have got enough lives so live happily No! Don’t. Take it seriously please help because of global warming it’s hard out here.

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