Air Conditioning is not a luxury anymore in Indian sub-continent but it a matter of comfort for every household. Here we are sharing some important information and must be useful for you if you are looking to know about the best air conditioner brand in Indian market.
Summer just begins as the warmer air started floating towards northern India in mid-February, and you must have started to look for cooling devices already for your home. Brands like O General, Hitachi, Voltas, Blue Star are available in India and it is really difficult to compare each of them due to a wide variety of products.
Best air conditioner brand in India: Based upon some research we will try to conclude on No 1 Brand in Air Conditioner so that you can choose the perfect AC unit for your home. If we talk about premium brands you can choose top 5 best air conditioners from Hitachi, DAIKIN, O General, Blue Star or Voltas.

O General and Hitachi are popular companies in refrigeration and air conditioning with a long trail of Split and Window AC products. You can make decision split AC vs window AC upon your need and feasibility at home to install the AC unit. There are also many myths spread about choosing Windows AC over Split AC but believe it there is no big difference in both of them, and it totally depends on your requirement what AC you will choose. refer here for latest O General AC price list

If we talk about only about split air conditioner along with above companies there are many other good air conditioner brands i.e. LG, Samsung, Haier, Whirpool and Videocon etc in India.

Split AC is relatively more popular than Window AC due to the current housing structure in India does not allow to install Window based Air Conditioning units. Split are more convenient medium to select for home air conditioners. Here we have shared the perception based knowledge for best air conditioner brand in India, some users may have the different opinion for AC this summer.
So don’t wait for long and go to the nearest digital store to take the demo of the latest AC models from different brands and pick one for you. Please don’t forget to consider energy star rating to save on electricity bills.
read more for top 10 split AC brands in India