Man’s best friend comes with a cost, check the price for your favorite dog breed

Dog breeds in India with a price: Dogs, the most loved and the loyal pet ever, of which humans are a fan of. You receive a greater quantity of what you give to them. Be it your love, your care, your kindness, your time. I find dogs more trustworthy than anyone. And getting one for your house is what you are aspiring for. Here is the list of best dog breeds in India with an intact price range.

Best dog breeds in India with price

Labrador Retriever

Price range: Rs.5,000- 7,000


  • Life expectancy: 10-14 years
  • Weight: Male: 29-36 kg; Female: 25-32 kg.
  • Height: 57-62 cm; Female: 55-60 cm.
  • Nature: Kind, even temperament, agile, intelligent, gentle and trustworthy.


  • Theirs have thick fur with a double skin coat which makes their body resistant to water.
  • These are sporty in nature, have high energy, need a set routine of great exercise for them.
  • These are generally prone to obesity, so quality and type of food given to them is a considerable point.

German Shepherd

Price: Rs. 15,000- 25,000


  • Life expectancy: 9-13 years
  • Weight: Male: 30-40 kg; Female: 22-32 kg.
  • Height: Male 60-65 cm; Female: 55-60 cm
  • Nature: Intelligent, curious, courageous, alert and watchful.


  • These grow at a very fast rate and require a heavy protein diet.
  • These also have double coat skin making them water-resistant.
  • These are very clever and intelligent to learn any habit or any trick in just five repetitions.

Golden retriever

Price: Rs.15,000- 20,000


  • Life expectancy: 10-12 years
  • Weight: Male: 30-34 kg; Female: 25-32 kg.
  • Height: Male: 56-61 cm; Female: 51-56 cm.
  • Nature: Friendly, intelligent, kind and confident.


  • This breed is more prone to obesity hence require a healthy proteinaceous diet.
  • This breed loses its fur once in a year.
  • These are the most loyal and friendly lets to be.


Price: Rs.18,000- 20,000


  • Life expectancy: 12-15 years
  • Weight: Male: 10-11 kg; Female: 9-10 kg
  • Height: Male: 36-41cm; Female: 33-38 cm
  • Nature: Gentle, kind, excitable and even tempered.


  • These are not easily home trained, require special one-year training.
  • These are super friendly but not good at being protective in nature.

Great dane

Price: Rs. 7000- 15,000


  • Life expectancy: 8-10 years
  • Weight: Male: 54-90 kg; Female: 45-59 kg
  • Height: Male: 76-86 cm; Female: 71-81 cm
  • Nature: Intelligent, friendly, gentle and loving.


  • These require high-quality food.
  • Require early training.
  • Do not shed easily as they have smooth set skin.

So these were some of the best dogs in India with their prices. I hope I was of help in getting the best options down to your screen. to know more continue on talepost for articles like Best dogs in India with price and for updates visit our facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.