Best Joker Quotes of all time: At the end of every movie, we come out hating the villain for his bad deeds. But not if the villain is the Joker. Doing bad acts and still be loved is the art of Joker, he is no doubt the most loved villain and hardly anybody can hate him. Joker series is the reflection of the society on the people, and how hard can society be on people. People talk about good-ship and end up being the one who makes life hard for others.
One thing that the people love about all the Joker movies is the spectacular acting and the deep dialogues. Basically these are not mere dialogues, but they are deep statements that hit the audience hard. This is why people follow the Joker series fanatically and all the movies of this series are massive hits.
We have listed some of the best Joker quotes that the movie has featured and you should not miss.

Smile, Because It Confuses People Smile Because It’s Easier Than Explaining What Is Killing You Inside.
For my whole life, I didn’t know it. I even really existed. But I do, and people are starting to notice.
I’m not gonna kill you. I’m just gonna hurt you really really bad
If you don’t like me, Take a Map, get a car and drive to hell. Have a nice trip
No Matter the situation always wear a smile
someday someone will break you so badly that you’ll become unbreakable
If someone hates you for no reason, give that motherF**ker a reason
Give a man a mask and he’ll become his true self.
They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they are all the same
If you are good at something Don’t do it for free
You wouldn’t get it
I hope my death will make more cents than my life
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