Discover more of Korean drama, check the list of best Korean movies

Best Korean movies: Life without movies is utter boredom. To get some entertainment and to get some different taste and get aquatinted with world’s different flavors, movies are the best source. Korean people are generally considered to be hard-working and polite and so are these qualities reflected in the movies they make.

To list out some we are here with some of the best Korean movies. Watching which, will be an utter refreshment. And more or less will be treated to our sight.

Top 5 Best Korean movies

The World of Us

Director: Yoon Ga-eun

Rating: 4.2/5

About: A fantastic Korean love story which ruled hearts after its release. This movie won ample of awards because of the love it recieved from its spectators. In this movie, a girl who was being continously bullied somehow manages to make a friend but eventually that friendship gets ruined due to her continuous bullying. But deep down that friendship survives and this all is depicted in a very beautiful manner.

The Truth beneath

Director: Lee Kyoung-mi

Rating: 4/5

About: This is a great suspense movie in which the daughter of a politician goes missing on the occasion of the national election. And for the next 15 days, the politician and his wife continue to investigate the scandal. This movie had a mixed review coming up from the spectators.

The Handmaiden

Director: Park Chan-wook

Rating: 3.5/5

About: This movie received mixed reviews but the percentage of people who loved it was far greater which ended in giving this movie ample awards. This movie was one of that thriller movie that was well portrayed. In this movie, a common pickpocket devises an elaborate strategy to seduce Japanese women.

Our love story

Director: Hyun Ju Lee

Rating: 3.4/5

About: It is a romantic movie coming from the cine world of South Korea. This movie depicts what love is, it is nowhere related to color or gender. In this movie, a girl after having a previous relationship with a men fell in love with another girl whom she meets during her project.

Worst women

Director: Kim Jong- kwan

Rating: 3.7/5

About: This movie hit the box office after its release, which grabbed the movie with multiple awards. This is a romantic melodrama. Which potrays the romantic happenings between a young woman and three men to whom she met in a single day.

So these were some of the best Korean movies. Binge watching which would be enormous fun. Else pick one and kick your entertainment one level up. Because entertainment is the only source to keep you going through the rough life and these movies will work for you and will help you to distract from the roughness and will pump you up if you feel low. to know more continue on Talepost and for updates visit our Facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.