Desiring for strong shoulder, try these sets of shoulder exercise to get one

Best shoulder workout: It is easy to do nothing and keep aspiring for doing it, just in your imagination. But getting up hitting it hard takes a good amount of your confidence and dedication. And that truly provides you with a phenomenal result. Just thinking of something never allows anything thing to happen. But pushing for it gives you the result of your choice.

Getting strong and a defined shoulder is what everyone aspires for. Having a strong shoulder musculature makes it easy for you to lift things without feeling their heavyweight. It helps you to add an extra star to your persona. Along with appearance, the inner strength makes you lead an easy life.

Here is a list of some of such sets of shoulder workouts, practicing which will provide you with results you ever wanted to achieve.

Best shoulder workout to get stronger musculature

Traditional push-ups

It is the best exercise, to begin with. Push-ups along with strengthening the muscles of your forearm work to strengthen the shoulder muscles and joints. A proper set of push-ups generally tones your forearms and shoulder back specifically your scapular region. Initially, you can begin with 3 sets of 5 repetitions and then gradually increase the repetitions.


This exercise mainly strengthens the muscles of the shoulder region around the neck. This mainly works to define your collar bone, reducing the fat of Sterno-clavicular region. Beautifying your look and further strengthening the muscles. Initially begin with 3 sets of 30 repetitions and the keeping sets constant to increase the repetitions.

Dumbell front raise

This exercise specifically works in the direction moving from the shoulder joint to your neck. Strengthening the muscles that have similar movements. Initially, this could be hard but eventually, your muscles will get used to it and then provide you with better results. Initially begin with dumbbells of 2.5 kg with 3 sets each of 10 repetitions. Gradually keeping sets constant increases the repetition.

Vertical dips/ V-dips

This set of exercises is pretty hard at a beginner’s level but later on, with the continuous practice of it you get fantastic results. This form of exercise works on the shoulder muscles both anterior and posterior. Providing you with a complete packed shoulder workout regime. Initially begin with 3 sets of 10 dips, later on, increase the number of dips keeping sets constant.

Hammer curls

This form of workout works on strengthening the muscles of your shoulder joint and muscles of your forearm. This could be straining initially leading to fatigue, don’t panic that is natural, give your self a day break from your shoulder routine and being with it from the other day. Initially try doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions from each hand with. A weight of 2.5 kg, gradually increases the repetitions and weight of dumbells.

So these were some of the best shoulder exercises which if practiced on a consistent daily routine will provide you with strong and toned shoulder muscles. to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our Facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.