Bhai Dooj is an important festival that is celebrated in India with a lot of enthusiasm and spirit. The meaning of bhai dooj is celebrated on dwitiya tithi according to the hindi calendar. Bhai dooj celebration is to create a bonding between brother and sister. Bhai dooj is somewhat similar to raksha bandhan. Bhaidooj denotes the brother’s vow to protect his sister and on the other hand the sister gives blessings to her brother. Bhai dooj is known by different names in different regions such as in states like Maharashtra, Gujrat and Goa it is called bhai beej, in Bengal it is called bhai phonta and in nepal it is known as bhai tika.
Best Way to Celebrate Bhai Dooj in 2021

There are many ways to celebrate bhai dooj. India is a country of diversity. We celebrate the same festival on the same date but in different ways. Thus it is not appropriate to say one way the best.
However, we should first consider the traditional way to celebrate bhai dooj. After that, there are some changes which people do in rituals according to their comfortability.
The traditional way to celebrate bhai dooj is given below
- Sister first make the seat for their brothers by the rice flour to begin the ceremony
- Paste of dahi, rice and vermilion (a red paste) is applied on the forehead of the brother.
- Sister put betel leaves, betel nuts, coins and kaddu flowers in the brother’s palm and chanted the mantra to yam by pouring water on the brother’s palm.
- The mantra is “O Yamraj, i ‘ am making this offering unto you”
- Then, a kalawa is tied by the sister on brother’s hand and begins the aarti.
- If the lamp is facing in the South direction and also sees a flying kite. Then it is considered a good omen for fulfilling the wishes.
Brothers also give gifts to their sisters and elders give their blessings.
This was the traditional method of celebrating Bhai dooj.
But different states or regions celebrate this occasion differently.
West Bengal

In west bengal, it is known as bhai phonta
The festival is celebrated by sister and brother after the age of 5.
- Sister has to fast till the ceremony is completed
- Tilak made of ghee, sandalwood and kajal is applied on the forehead of the brother.
- Sweets such as coconut ladoo and kheer are popular.
Maharashtra, Haryana, Goa and Gujrat

Here it is known as bhai beej, people take this occasion to meet their relatives and call it reunion.
It is considered an important festival to strengthen the relationship between brother and sister.
Sister and brother celebrate bhai beej by applying Tilak on the forehead of the brother and praying.

Here, bhai dooj is known as bhai tika.
Here the reason for bhai dooj celebration is for the well being and longevity of brothers. Sister prays to Yamraj to give blessings to his brother. The unique thing here is that the tika that is applied on the forehead of the brother is of seven colours.
No doubt, the entire country celebrates bhai dooj in different ways but the intention and joy is the same. Bhai dooj is a very special festival to all the people in the country.