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Freedom fighters women

Top 7 Freedom Fighters Women: Whose Fierce Dedication Brought In Freedom

Freedom Fighters Women: India, a land of cultural diversity and rich heritage have a lot…

Best Hindi poetry

Top 10 Hindi Poets In India With Some Of The Best Hindi Poetry; Have A Look

India has always been a land of cultural heritage, encapsulating unparalleled unnumbered art forms. Amongst…

Most religious countries

World’s Most Religious Countries, Take Care of These Things if You Visit

Today we came to discuss the world's most religious countries. Before moving towards the main…


This is why Buddhism is true

Do you know that Buddhism is considered to be the fourth largest religion followed by…

5700-year-old chewing gum acts as a life saviour for Ancient people

Saviour for Ancient People: This is not the first time that this kind of news…

A symbol of diverse Indian culture the Red Fort

The Red Fort: A symbol of the Mughal empire, lying at the center of Delhi…

Every tale is true when it comes to these legendary “Freedom fighters”

Freedom fighters in India- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bal Gangadhar Tilak,…

Some actions which can not be reversed if god says too

Jalianwala Bagh- 13TH APRIL, 1919, SUNDAY. The day, when British troops fired on a large…

Kargil War, A day to remember our martyrs. Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan

Vijay Diwas- 20 years ago, on this day, formally a conflict came to an end.…

Remembering the good old days when the first camera phone was launched

First camera phone:  Cameras hold the limelight when it comes to buying cell phones. Highlighting…