Celebrities Who Did Weird jobs Before Getting into Fame

Celebrities who did weird jobs:

When it comes to celebrities we see that there is no road that leads to easy success. Here is a list of world-famous Celebrities who had a rough start in life but they proved to the world that talent can never be confined, some of them done many unusual weird jobs during their professional career in early life.

  1. Lionel Andreas Messi

Lionel Andreas Messi, the ‘God of football’. At 13 this young lad was rejected over and over from his game of football due to his short stature and weak physique. Refusing to lose hope, young Messi practiced two hours more than kids his age every single day while also working in a tea shop. He worked in the tea shop in the daytime to support his football training. To this day, it remains a matter of public interest that the first contract for Messi joining Barcelona was written over a napkin used in the tea shop signed by the coach Charles Rexach.

  1. Amitabh Bachchan

Yes Big B! has to go with weird jobs in his early bollywood struggle. Born to Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Amitabh Bachchan worked for seven to eight years in a coal mine in Kolkata. He went on to become a freight broker for a shipping company named Bird and co. However, destiny was something else entirely. From being a coal miner to gathering 10,000 people daily in the streets of Kolkata during the shooting of ‘TE3N’, Amitabh Bachchan has become a worldwide name in the history of the acting industry.

  1. Bill Gates

CEO of the world’s largest software company did not have a very smooth start in his life. Before Microsoft became public in 1986, young Bill was merely a Harvard University drop-out and a co-owner of a failed business venture named ‘Traf-O-Data’. Driven by his passion for software he went on to develop what has become the most used software in the world. He had done some weird jobs to establish his career in the early days. Encountering huge losses in the early stages of his company, he did not lose hope. Instead, he decided to work for more hours each day and brought his share prices back from 30$ to 350$.

  1. Dwayne Johnson

Popularly known as the ‘Rock’ by his millions of fans, Dwayne Johnson went on to become not just a wrestler but also a professional and successful actor. Earlier, he used to play in his university team in Miami, showing the built and agility of an ace footballer. But, as luck would have it, Johnson was soon slowed by his injuries. And later he decided on following his family legacy of joining the ring. After that, He started his career in acting in Hollywood.

  1. Johny Lever

A massive name in the Indian television industry, Johny Lever. He used to work with his father at Hindustan Unilever Limited for several years. And during their lunchtime, he used to entertain his colleagues. It was then that he discovered his true talent for standup comedy. Earlier in his life, he was unable to complete his studies due to financial problems. That time he used to sell pens and pencils in the slums of Mumbai by mimicking the actors of Bollywood.

Komal Sinha: