Challenges in AI: The Never-Ending Pursuit…

Challenges in AI: Artificial Intelligence, as much interesting it is, more the complex it is, and for now many tests have been done and many of them have been successful but this is not the end as its just the start of AI era as its complexity is nothing now. AI has grown and now is experimented worldwide be it any country. companies are investing in such crazy Ideas as we are not limited to this many new technologies to be unfolded in the recent coming years as humans have started to play with technology and as companies like Google and Microsoft are paying more attention Towards the whole technology scenario and there is as expected growth to be seen in the AI sector with a crazy platform for the youth. Some Challenges that we are facing in the current AI scenario

Some Of The Challenges

The biggest challenge we are facing is that we are unable to project the deliverables which are the most important factors.

Some Concepts of physics are still unrevealed which have set limits for us as Further guidance is not there.

While coming to nature as it is the one where we got the idea of AI from is there but we are missing out on the extensions which are unknown. to know more continue on Talepost for similar articles like Challenges in AI and for updates visit our Facebook.

Manish Suyal: