China Introduces The World’s First-Ever Virtual News Anchor

China has been a country that never fails to surprise the world with its interesting inventions. Continuing its legacy, China has found its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) news anchor. The anchor resembles a male human with a voice and facial expressions like that of a real person.

The potential of Artificial Intelligence in media

It has the capability to read the news in a synthesized voice, planned to sound like a professional human anchor. The world’s first AI news anchor has been produced by China’s Xinhua; a new agency in association with Chinese search engine company Sogou. Artificial intelligence is anyway taking over the production and service sector making the results more effective and trustworthy by cutting to production costs and yet attaining the desired outputs. China believes to achieve the development goals in the coming years using the most advanced technology and artificial intelligence is a huge measure to obtain the same. Two AI news anchors that can comprehend news in English, as well as Mandarin, was unveiled at the fifth World Internet Conference in China’s Zhejiang province.

The creator’s words

According to information from South China Morning Post and Xinhua, the news anchors will lessen the cost of the daily TV news reports, credit to its ability to work 24 hours a day. The AI TV anchor also has advance efficiency. It can swiftly generate breaking news. Something humans do not have the ability to do. The implicit puppets, appear to be very analogous to the technology used to make “DeepFake” videos. Xinhua claims that the anchors “can work throughout the day on its official website. Also on various social media platforms, dipping news production costs and improving competence.”

Finest technology and enhanced use of artificial intelligence

In total, the technology seems flawless, even though the anchor might not look entirely human and the expressions might vary here and there, but it will get better with time, states Xinhua.

China is investing huge amounts of money and aptitude into science and emerging technologies, such as AI. By 2030, China’s government has stated that China will establish itself as the world’s dominant force in artificial intelligence.

In the context of this China Daily, another limb of China’s state media reported on the news. “Eventually, the push comes as part of Chinese hard work to develop the AI sector. Policymakers have said that accelerating artificial intelligence development is important. After all, it’s the stepping stone to help China seize the opportunities. These are obtainable by the next round of technological revolution and industrial alteration.”

Komal Sinha: