Depression symptoms Which can tell you about your mental health

In today’s date, we all are living in a world where every person is simply running in the race of life with having absolutely no idea about their destination. This huge cultural and environmental shift has led people to fall into depression and the saddest truth is that no one is ready to take this seriously. People should understand that depression is even capable of taking a human life. The most recent example of the same is the shocking and sudden demise of the very charming and talented actor Sushant Singh Rajput who was found dead in his Bandra Apartment yesterday (14-06-2020). The cause of his death was suicide and the reports and sources have revealed that he was suffering from depression. How many more such loss will make people understand the importance of mental health and the fact that mental illness is equally important as physical illness. With a motive to aware people more about depression, today Talepost will discuss some of the most transparent and easy-to-recognize depression symptoms. Along with this, our team also wants to encourage people out in the world to open up about how they feel to at least someone because always remember your insecurities and problems always have a solution.

There is no denying to the fact that in today’s date people have given their definitions of depression and they are clueless what depression is and how does it feel to be in depression. Read the below-shared detailed information about the depression symptoms to know more about the same

Depression symptoms which can tell you that you need help

Before we begin to list the symptoms, we want to ensure our every reader that they should not feel inferior about their mental health and should be confident enough to reach out for help.

Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide, Sad But True News Difficult to Believe for Many

You have become hopeless towards everything in life

This is one of the first and the easiest to recognize depression symptoms. If you are having a hopeless outlook towards everything in life including work, education, personal, etc, then this is the sign that you should consult a professional for proper assistance. Always remember that every problem which you are facing has a solution if you are ready to face the same. If you are mostly feeling low then, take this seriously and if possible talk to someone with whom you are comfortable sharing everything.

You start to loose interest in everything you do

This is another one of the most common symptoms of depression which you should check. If you have started to lose interest in literally everything you do including your work, relationships, hobbies, etc, then this is a sign that you are slowly stepping into depression. Readers should note that by losing interest we do not mean the occasional boring lectures or meetings you attend.

You get fatigue easily

Yes, this is another most common depression symptom. If you notice that you are getting tired very easily and frequently without much physical activity, then you should waste no time and immediately consult a psychologist and this may mean that you are under depression, stress, anxiety, etc.

Irregular or changed sleeping patterns

If you are sleeping every less, more or no sleep at all, then this means that there is something wrong. Check yourself for your sleep patterns, If you find that you are sleeping more than required on daily basis or simply being deprived of sleep every single day, then this is probably the right time that you should start looking after your mental health.

Strange eating habits and weight gain

If you are a person thinking that depression can only make you lose weight, then you are absolutely wrong. Instead, if you notice that you have been having strange eating habits such as eating too much at a time or eating nothing, then this is the sign that you are not fine. Also, if you notice a sudden fluctuation in your weight mostly weight gain, then this is the warning sign that you are stepping into depression.

You have no control over your emotions

We get it that occasionally there will be times when you will have absolutely no control over your emotions and this is absolutely okay. However, if you notice this becoming a regular routine in your life, then you should definitely think about the same and act in a way to stop that. Consult your nearest psychologist or reach out to the person you trust who can help you.

We advise all our readers to take out time for their mental health and open up about how they feel to a person they trust or any psychologist. Always remember that no problem is bigger than life and death is not the right solution to the problem.

Gargi Rohatgi: