WHO funding: World Health Organization, it is the only world’s leading organization that works for public health. It was established 72 years back, in 1948 with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. United Nations Economic and Social Council is its parent organization. The main objective of this organization is “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.” It has offices spread across 150 countries. Every year 7th April is celebrated as World Health Day because WHO was established on 7th April 1948.
Objectives of WHO
This organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being not merely the absence of illness or disease. This organization works around this objective to maintain the health of citizens globally. Few of the main objectives include:
- To develop and implement multisectoral public policies for health.
- Integrated gender and age-sensitive approaches that facilitate community empowerment together with the action of health promotion.
- Self-care and health protection throughout the life course in cooperation with the relevant national and international partners.
Strategic approach of WHO
- Fostering health-supportive health environments and integrated approaches to public health service.
- Advocating for policy support and investment in the development of health systems and services that support health promotion and risk prevention.
- Strengthening the sustainable financing and evidence base required for health promotion.
- Increase the knowledge base for tackling the broad determinants of health.
Various organisations of WHO
The HPR (Health Promotion Unit) team is specifically involved in health promotions and is a part of the Department of Chronic disease. This unit is a collection of various teams that combine to make HPR that includes:
- National and community programs: It works in the direction to strengthen the health facilities either financially or by promotions. It helps in giving a strategic plan to implement health improvement.
- School health and youth health promotion: This works in promoting treatment and control of six diseases at the level of youth for proper treatment and easy control.
- Oral health: This works in promoting oral health globally. It works in the direction of providing oral health to prevent people from further any disorder.
- Physical Activity: This sector works in promoting and emphasizing physical activity for complete fitness. It promotes the necessity of physical for both men and women.
WHO Funding
World Health Organization receives funds from various countries. The contributions from various countries and random relief funds from various organizations help in proper and smooth working. Contributions made by different countries and organizations are as follows:
- US: 14.67% of the total contribution
- Bill and Melinda Gates foundation: 9.67%
- GAVI Alliance: 8.39%
- UK: 7.79%
- Germany: 5.68%
- World Bank: 3.42%
- Rotary International: 3.3%
- European Commission: 3.3%
- Japan: 2.7%
- France: 0.5%
- India: 0.48%
- Pakistan: 0.36%
- China: 0.21%
Many other sectors contribute to the WHO Funding for its smooth working.
So this was a miniature presentation of WHO funding and its working. At present, the withdrawal made by the US has hit the organization badly. In the time of such a fragile situation, we should all take an initiative to support the organization for the upliftment of global health.