If size matters then these absurd things will make you ponder

Does size matter? Well, this question is based on one’s perception. You have heard the news of the world’s tallest or smallest or biggest or shortest or so more things. There are many people who have broken up the records for being in the highlights. Here are some OMG Moments for you, I think, you must have a look…

World Tallest Man and Woman

Does size matter?

World Tallest Man –
Name – Robert Wadlow
Height – 2.72 m (8 ft 11.1 in) tall
He was last measured on 27th June 1940, remains the tallest person in the world, till date.

World Tallest Women- Yao Defen
Height – 233.3 cm (7 ft 7 in)
She died in 2012 November, we have no record holder in this category at present.

World Biggest Stadium

World Biggest Stadium –
Name – Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, Pyongyang, North Korea

Specialty – Accommodates 150,000 people
It holds many events, from football to athletics, largely used for parades and shows.

World Biggest Stadium –
Name – Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia

Specialty – 1,00,024
In this stadium, The first cricket test match was played on 15th to 19th March 1877.

World Biggest and Smallest house –

World Biggest House –
Name –  Istana Nurul Iman Palace

Located – Brunei
Space – 2.15 million square feet

World Smallest house –
Name – Keret House in Warsaw
Located – Poland
Specialty – Narrow 92 cm (3.02 ft) and Wide 152 cm (4.99 ft) , the total floor is 14 m² (151 ft²).

World Biggest and Smallest Computer

World Biggest Computer –
Name – Sunway TaihuLight
Place –
National Supercomputing Centre in Wuxi.
Specialty – This computer can perform around 93,000 trillion calculations per second

World Smallest Computer –
Name – crypto-anchor
Place –
Las Vegas, Nevada
Specialty – This device is no bigger than a grain of salt. its size is 1mm by 1mm unit.

World Longest and Shortest Movie

World Longest Movie –
Name – Modern Times Forever
Released –
2011; Time Limit – 14,400 mins (240 hours = 10 days)
Description – The film is all about time, architecture, and modernism, and this film is a piece of architecture

World Shortest Movie –
Name – A Boy and His Atom
Released –
2017; Time Limit – 60 seconds long and made of 242 individual stop-motion frames
Description – The film shows, moving single carbon atoms around a copper surface. To know more continue on talepost.

Ayushi Tyagi: