Does the distance from one’s house to school affect primary education?

Primary Education is one of the most important parts of education. It is primary education which is crucial for the psycho-social development of children. Lack of Primary Education in most of the cases exposes one to vulnerabilities and issues that are many times difficult to tackle with.

Being very important for the children’s holistic development, it becomes an inevitable concern to assure that children are made to attend the classes on a regular basis. The main reasons which many times affect Primary Education are the lack of proximity in schools and residential communities. In such a scenario, children turn out to the sufferers.

Past vs Present Scenario?

In past times students used to walk miles away for going to the schools and attend classes, but the present scenario is totally different. While the students travel 2-3 hours per day it affects their physical as well as mental health which directly impacts their studies.

Travelling Distance-

The serious impact of having a long-distance between school and one’s house is the chances of reaching school late every day and in the long run, it makes the child lose his connection from the school. Have you ever thought about why it happens? It is simply the more the travelling distance will be less the child will take interest in studies and going to school.


Money is also the matter of concern, it causes a lot of expenses while travelling to long distances which may be a point of the problem at some time because every student cannot fulfil the expenses on daily basis. The money can be used for an important purpose in spite of using travelling.

Sleeping Habits-

Why can anyone ignore this? Sleeping habits are often disturbed when children don’t get proper sleep and don’t have a proper sleeping schedule. The time children could have spent in sleeping, they spend in travelling for hours getting lethargic and lazy.

Affected Productivity-

It is true that children can only be productive when they are happy inside. But the problem is almost 80% of children these days are travel stressed. They are not able to concentrate on anything properly which results in losing productivity.

Exam Struggle –

It is the most important thing to worry about. Children manage to travel on a daily basis but during examination travelling more than 2-3 hours a day might affect your child’s grade and examination performance. It would be really tough for any child to travel a lot during exam days and start preparing without having proper sleep and rest.


According to me, it is not a good idea to choose your Child’s school far away from your place. It will lead to nothing but exhaustion and will make your child feel distracted and uninterested in his studies and education. Getting an institution nearby your place and help your child grow and concentrate on everything by maintaining a proper balance. Long-distance travelling clearly impacts a child’s mental and physical health which is harmful to his future. The better take would be to choose an institution nearby your place and make your child’s life a little effortless.

Ashwarya Ralhan: