Donut Robotics launches c-mask with Bluetooth connectivity

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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Bluetooth mask: Japan-based startup company Donut Robotics` creates, first-ever c-mask which possesses Bluetooth connectivity. So it can be directly connected to your cellphones and laptops.

Amid this pandemic, the mask has become a default part of our lives. Moving a step ahead without it is unimaginable. But as we know the work must go on. Developments, enhancements, and researches have to be made, to ease the process of working when the crisis is what we are surrounded by.

An initiative to ease the process of working without compromising with health is made by Donut Robotics` with the introduction of c-masks or Bluetooth mask. Let us peep down to know more about this Bluetooth mask and perks related to it.

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Features of Bluetooth mask

This mask is completely made by plastic material giving it a solid, irreversible shape. It is designed in such a way that it fits well and covers approximately 60-70% of your face, that probably every ordinary mask does.

It allows you to transcribe, meaning you can type your text just by speaking it, thereby promoting contactless working. Since it has inbuilt software for both transcribing and translating. It offers you to translate Japanese in 8 different languages. With the help of Bluetooth connection you can receive a call or send a msg via this mask. It helps to amplify the voice of the wearer. In short, does numerous job.

Taisuke Ono, CEO of Donut Robotics` says “We worked hard for years to develop a robot and we have used that technology to create a product that responds to how the coronavirus has shaped the society.”

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When will it be available in the market for users to buy?


Donut Robotics` has announced that the first set of 5000 c-masks will be available for Japanese buyers by the month of September. Due to high demand from countries like China, the United States, and Europe, it will be supplied to them too.

This Bluetooth mask will cost $40 and the product is cost worthy. With such an enhanced feature and its special importance amid this pandemic, it is the perfect price to pay.

So if you also wish to gear up for your work. And the fact that hygiene is stopping you then gets for yourself this Bluetooth mask, which along with making you a multi-tasker, will help you to work contact-free. Since these are the two most important conditions for your survival amid this Coronavirus breakdown. This will not only help to boost your growth at your workspace along with it, will help you to keep a check over your health.

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