Earth’s Ozone Layer is Healing Amid World’s Lockdown

Earth’s Ozone Layer: Since the day, the whole world is being affected by the dangerous COVID-19 there have been many deaths all around the world. The world’s economy has come down crashing to pieces and country’s with world-class health facilities such as Italy and Spain have been facing a lot of destruction in terms of life and money.

This life-taking virus has spread from Wuhan, China to almost each and every country of the world and has until now caused more than 35,000 deaths all over the world. Given the current situation and crisis, WHO has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Our country India along with so many other countries of the world have been under complete lockdown for almost 7 days. On one hand, when the earth is shaking and witnessing so many loss of lives, at that same time due to this lockdown mother nature has been healing itself.

Through the latest scientific reports from the experienced scientists, it has been reported that the extremely depleted Ozone layer present in the earth’s atmosphere has finally started to heal itself.

Earth’s Ozone layer healing itself during the lockdown

We all are aware of the fact that since the day of lockdown there has been a significant decrease in pollution and the highly destroyed Ozone layer is finally starting to heal itself. Have you ever wondered why is this happening?

Well, the answer to this question is very simple and straight. All the activities of human beings have been restricted due to which the harm caused to nature has also decreased.

COVID-19 has proved to be very dangerous to human life on earth. However, it has also helped the atmosphere to restore itself. There have been many pictures of clear blue sky, clean roads, pollution-free atmosphere getting viral on social media platforms.

What makes the Ozone layer so important for all living organisms?

If people are wondering why the fact that Ozone is healing itself is getting so much attention then here’s your answer. The ozone layer is present in the earth’s atmosphere and it protects living beings from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Despite the fact that the Ozone layer is so important for all the lives on earth, mankind’s activities were causing this layer to deplete to a great extent.

What will happen if the Ozone layer disappears?

If one day, the protective Ozone layer disappears from the atmosphere completely, then people would start to develop adverse and dangerous skin allergies and cancer as well. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to protect the layer from depleting.

What is actually helping the Ozone layer heal?

If you think that it is the contagious COVID-19 which is actually helping the precious layer heal itself, then you are wrong. This is because it is the pause of selfish human activities which has to lead to the healing of the Ozone layer.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 commonly known as coronavirus has now been spread to almost each and every city of the world and has caused uncountable deaths. In simple terms, it is a type of virus that is spreading through human contact among people and is also taking the lives of people. Below-mentioned is some of the most common safety tips which we request all our readers to follow so that they can be safe.

Safety tips to follow-

  1. Wash your hands often.
  2. Avoid touching the metal surfaces in life, stair or in public as the virus can remain active for 9 days.
  3. Avoid heading to places where more than 5 people have gathered.
  4. Maintain social distance.
  5. Stay at home and help save your family and world.

Keep reading Talepost for all the latest information about the world.


Gargi Rohatgi: