Education And Rebellion: Teens are the best as they come with the best of the creativity where the world is known but unknown both at the same time. but what matters is that we somewhere miss our teenage life. no rules and nothing to follow be the boss and rule like the king but as far it is concerned the teenage life teaches us to rebel for thing and education alongside with it opens our brains and makes us more worthy of things as your teenage is the base of your life as it decides your taste of everything be it good and bad. some challenges are also faced but those are not as important as what you have earned is the best that you could give to the world. and study alongside is a gift, not everybody is privileged with that same old line but it true so act wisely and some key points for you if you are a teenager.

Teenage life is the best to learn

Take this as an opportunity. if it can’t be done now then never, and do not do this because you need a job getting a job is secondary as growing a brain is the most important as if you have chosen a particular field then pursue it till last. one fact that everybody should know education is the key to enlightenment and awakening of mind it broader the horizons of our lifestyle as we have very small of the brain that is used and continuous efforts, made in order survive is somewhere dependent on education.
What you give! you take.

listen, kids what’s more important is how you want the others to be towards you and its simple what goes comes around so stop behaving like a toddler and be an adult get some and give some respect. as respect is not for granted you earn it and your experience grows wise and you then take a decision on truth but not everything shiny that attracts you. because some times you can be misguided by some people in your lives and what not so be careful and work hard as it time to prepare for your life and its amazing endeavors.
Learn Not to Study but to grow your brain

Last but not the least learn as learning is the key to success no other thing can get you faster results look for the example in you neighborhood you country and in the last the whole world and at the last when you find one then check one thing in that person be he rich or poor he has struggled somewhere in the life making him reach there. as struggling and learning are the most essential parts of a human’s life it makes him independent on himself as it’s his own rest are a gift by nature to him. to know more continue on Talepost for articles like Education And Rebellion and for updates visit our Facebook.