Education for all means there is no gender difference in study

Education To all

Education for all has been implemented in India back in 2009. The concept has been extended. with several other extensions like Midday meal and Beti Bachao schemes. It was the need of the hour to provide education for all since the children of India. In general, were lagging behind in terms of literacy. Literacy stands out to be an important tool for employment these days, even if it a vocational job. A candidate must be educated enough to run any business or even work in a factory. With times, everything will be as par the developed countries. India will then fall back, because of the laborers, farmers, and other sections of the society. we haven’t been educated enough to adopt automatic machines and organic farming, or other modern concepts.

Education is a primary requirement:

Education for all definitely means there should be no gender difference. One needs to understand that men and women are of equal social status now. Then inheritance is now given to both. In fact, in several judgments, men and women have been entitled to look after their parents and take up responsibility equally. Dowry has been criminalized now. So there is no reason that women should be left out. when we are considering education for all.

There are of course other reasons that women stay back in education for all. Harassment against women in several forms is an obstruction to the progress of education for all. In several cases, women have been harassed in institutions. It leading to the families of the women to withdraw them from studies. Then giving off their hands in marriage. Other basic reasons for women running away from school would be poor hygiene and sanitation, and lack of staff.

Education For All

Why are we failing to provide equal education?

While the numbers of girls enrolling into schools are almost equal to that of boys in primary schools. The gap widens hugely as soon as the girls reach high school. That is when they are given off in marriage or expected to perform household work. This is the disparity of the gender that is preventing the success of education for all. Sadly, nothing has been done in this direction to minimize the effect of gender discrimination.

With such low ratios and lesser women enrolled in higher education. The gender gap will widen. Education for all had been the dream project of India. This can be the only way to remove poverty from the country. Eve teasing, brutal gang rapes, molestation in school are also becoming the rising reasons why girls are opting out of education systems. The irony is the education for all is supposed to erase out these evils of the society. But instead, these evils are acting as impediments to the progress of the society. Education for all is thus an important step. If we need to equalize the gender gap, empower both genders and make this country safe for all. 
