Electric-vehicles: A long and old journey of evolution…

Electric-vehicles review 2020: Vehicles have always seen continuous growth and innovation. And every time a new discovery is coming, which we would have never imagined of. Beginning from the time of early man to now, the leap of vehicles can not be graded on any scale. These modulations and continuous variations have always served us the best.

Talking of the electric vehicles that we get to see now is not a new innovation but is a result of gradual progression made be the people since in the 19th century in this direction. The first electric vehicle was made by Anyos Jedlik in 1828.

Early attempt

Electric-vehicles review 2020: The early golden era for these electric vehicles was from the 1890s to the early 1900s. The first-ever electric vehicle was cycled which was supported by the rechargeable lead-acid battery. Later on, improvements were made to make it fuel-efficient. At the end of this era, the last electric vehicle made was the first electric car made by the United States.

Features of which include:

  • Had the total capacity of carrying 6 passengers.
  • With this capacity, it could reach up to the maximum speed of 14mph.

These cars ruled the market with the further invention of bicycles, tricycles and much more. Numerous electric cabs were made because these were considered to be very effective with no sound and easy to drive.

The decline in electric vehicles after 1900

The electric vehicles suddenly started losing their significance after a particular span. This decline was due to multiple drawbacks it suffered due to enhancement and development in other sectors. To mention a few:

  • Development in the infrastructure of roads demanded a greater range of vehicles that were not supported by the vehicles made back then.
  • due to petroleum station availability, made gasoline cheaper and further continued invention in gasoline vehicles made it an easy drive option with a greater range, faster than before and cheaper than before.
  • These vehicles having a shorter range and less speed and expensive back then and were meant for few.

All these reasons and hiking gasoline vehicles brought an inclined to the usage of electric vehicles.

The second half of electric vehicles

Electric vehicles witnessed fantastic growth. For the two peak periods i.e. the 1960s to 1990s and the second from the 2000s to date. For the first peak period, various concepts and designs did hit the market. And for the second peak period world witnessed high-end electric cars which was a great revolution in terms of electric vehicles.

Modern-day electric vehicles

The energy crisis marked the beginning of a new era of electric cars because fuel consumption and efficiency had become a matter of concern. Car developed in this peak period had features like:

  • Dependency on Metal oxide semiconductor.
  • The MOSFET (MOS field-effect transistor) and a microcontroller combined to produce a microchip.

These modifications led to enhancement at various levels these led to grading electric vehicles 100 levels up. Few of its enhanced features include:

  • Ease to switch frequency.
  • Easy to drive
  • Reduced power loss
  • Cut in pricing cost
  • Greater range and battery management.
  • The introduction of lithium-ion batteries made the vehicles capable to traverse the long distances.

With this continuous enhancement, the world has received some of its finest electric vehicles. Here is a list of a few such fabulous electric cars.

Top few modern electric cars

Tesla Model S

Price: $79,990

Speed: Reaches to the speed of 60mph in 2.4 seconds. It has a top speed of 163mph.

Range: Can travel up to 373 miles.

Mitsubishi i-MiEV

Price: $27,998

Speed: This car has a top speed of 80mph.

Range: Can travel up to 62 miles.

Chevrolet Spark EV

Price: It ranges from $5,637 – $15, 509

Speed: It can accelerate to the speed of 60mph in 7.2 seconds and has a maximum speed of 90mph.

Range: It can travel up to a range of 82 miles.

Ford Focus Electric

Price: $18,298

Speed: It has a top speed of 84mph

Range: It can travel up to a range of 115 miles.

This was all about the journey of electric cars. Which went through ample of ups and downs but still sustained to top the list of vehicle usage. Being profitable, cheap and environment-friendly it is trending to be top pick amongst the other fuel vehicles. Because of its absolutely enhanced features are getting back to its golden era once again. to know more continue on Talepost for similar articles like Electric-vehicles review 2020 and for updates visit our Facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.