Eyes Do Talk: Limits: Ok As I said previously I have some good side also and which is why this is on-demand as we will be telling you the name of the girl and what happens to this love story. So without further ado let’s start.

so our couple is at the beach with a friend and talking and its time at the end of the day and the girl and yes her name is Sia and she asks him that if you are free can we go out for a couple of drinks at the nearest bar. And let’s get open to each other, as I have a desire to know people deeply and study. what they are and then writing a story out of the characters and this time I decided to explore goa. as if you want to really know a place you must chit chat with a few people of that place and its easy as simple. So get with the best you, as you seem to be a tough soul, as when I met you I got a very strange vibe when I first saw you. It seems very interesting to know about a little about you. to this Varun simply says that I like challenges and deep people. I can imagine you rocking my mind and I will be waiting for you in your hotel’s reception at 8 in the evening and then we will hangout to this place, which I have heard about from the people of here. and a story is related to that, I also wanted to observe that place so let’s go in for it together and get what we can have there. it would be tetter if you come with a little prepared as it’s going to be challenging as this is a group of people who visit goa and they don’t let normal people inside. as its strictly prohibited to even go there and it’s done under the guidance of the government and many more things to come as I also want to know more about it and left.
Varun arrived 1-hour earlier in the hotel and asked for her at the reception. and then he asked for that girl and got her room number which was 7 and seven is the date on which Varun was born. wow, what logic of number seven and of his car also which he rented to go out. he went to her room and knocked her door but she didn’t respond so he just thrashed the door and there she was all steamy just came out of the shower with just a towel and that too caught up with her mouth and with a shock her mouth opened and there everything on the floor. and then she says no don’t try, it will destroy you. leave it and then takes the towel from the floor and takes on the towel.
And here Varun’s jaw was totally open and his eyes rolled out and said my mind wants to play with you can I if you don’t mind. and she laughs and says yes but with care and goes in the changing room and changes and asking him that why did you gave me that handkerchief you know I don’t use a handkerchief and still you came up with all that. you know I have to tell you one secret but when drinking and then I will take you to this place and it’s their ritual that you can’t enter that place without drinking so we must be under an illusion so that we can have the best of it. she said enough of all of the bonding and wait at reception you don’t have any future here I belong somewhere else. you better keep it in your mind and stop getting it through your heart so go. and with a grin, Varun left the room and reached the reception and sat there and while sitting there he was thinking that.
yes I know I am good at it but that’s all for today and will see you soon with a new chapter of the story. to know more continue on Talepost for similar stories like Eyes Do Talk: Limits and for updates visit our Facebook.