Check the list of top business people: Famous business personalities…

Famous business personalities: Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. This quote in deep says a lot, it explains that the person you are, is what you have chosen to be. There are surplus options standing by you, it is your hard work and your belief which is going to sail you through. As it is rightly quoted “your birth in poverty is your luck but if you die in poverty then that is your choice“. Talking about the business personalities who have to build their empire with their strong belief in doing great and extreme hard work.

Here we have with us the list of famous business personalities who with their immense hard work grew from bottom to the heights that are unmatchable.

Famous business personalities

Tim Cook

He is the CEO of the world’s most profitable and in-demand brand Apple. Carrying any product from Apple is just as a status symbol. Be it iPhones, pads or MacBook people are in love with the products coming from the house of Apple. Tim cook held this position after Steve Jobs in the year 2011. He rose his net worth to $1.3 billion as of 2015. Receives a pay of $48 million. And is considered as the most strategic businessman, who with his great business skills brought Apple to another level.

Sheryl Sandburg

She is the Chief Operating Officer of one of the most famous social media network Facebook. She is an author, a social media executive and a billionaire. This lady with her creative business skills led Facebook to a whole new level. She introduced the way to initiate small businesses from the platform of Facebook that helped to increase their revenue by 37%. She rose the company from the loss of $56 million to the profit of $22.1 billion as of 2018 statistics.

Bob Iger

He is the Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney company. He has been holding this position for the past 13 years. Under his leadership Walt Disney has expanded a lot, it has overpowered many giants and brought all under it to name it is Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, and 21st Fox recently. Combining all this has led to an increase in its worth to $690 million.

Reed Hastings

He is CEO, Chairman, and Co-founder of Netflix. As we have noticed that Netflix is creating a buzz all over and its liking is rising daily. Which is generating great revenue for the company. The net worth of Netflix by 2019 was $9.4 billion. With his strong business techniques, his works and introductions are ruling people’s hearts.

Mary Barra

She is the CEO of General Motors Company and has been continuing to hold this position for past 6 years. Mary has a net worth of $60 million. She is on of the top female business leader and a strong inspiration for women all around.

So these were some of the top famous business personalities. Who with their immense hard work and patience paved the way to gain fame and create a separate position for them amongst the common population. to know more continue on Talepost and for updates visit our Facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.