Famous political personalities: Getting fame is easy, but to have a better image in society and getting fame for a noble cause has never been an easy task. Nature toils you hard to reach great heights. Patience, perseverance, determination and never giving up attitude is what make a noble person with all the fame.
Here is a list of 5 such top famous political personalities whose work, views and remarks helped them to gain great fame and a super great fan following.
Top 5 famous political personalities of India
Narendra Modi

One of the top and strong political leaders of India coming from BJP, who with his strong decisions and power to motivate did move the nation in a significantly upward direction. He consecutively for the second time became the Prime Minister of India. Forbes listed him as one of the top 10 powerful personalities in the world consecutively for three years 2017, 2018, 2019. His decisions not only directed the nation in a perfect direction but along with this, inspired everyone to work for and promote the growth of nation.
Amit Shah
Belonging from BJP he is currently the MP from the seat of Gandhinagar. He is just as strong as our prime Minister, his decisions, way of answering, superb presence of mind. All bind together to make him as strong he is. Along with Mr. Narendra Modi, he also moves in a direction to uplift the nation.
Mohan Bhagwat
The president of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh. One of the most powerful organizations which work to instill Hindutva amongst the citizens of India and combine together to form a Hindu Rashtra. Despite all the odds, he stood still to represent his thoughts and stay adamant too it. His continuous move to grow the Sangh for which he has to go through continuous meetings with foreign organizations and ambassadors.
Rahul Gandhi
One of the most famous political personalities. Currently serving as president of the Indian National Congress. Who always collects the headline with his illogical and absurd statements. Though at times he speaks out something sensible. But ample of time his sayings are just a laughter dose for us. Which he never stops giving us. Thereby becomes as one of the famous political personality by his immature attitude.
Mamta Banarjee
The maker of Trinamool Congress. She is one of those strong ladies who with her work degraded West Bengal. But her personality is so strong that none could revolt against her. Her coming into power was just meant to suffice her needs, filling up her bank balance, creating an empire of her own. In this entire process, the innocent citizens got pissed.
So these were the top famous political personalities of India. Who with their works and remarks made them fall into this list. to know more continue on Talepost and for updates visit our Facebook.