If bored tell your HR to let you get away of boredom with these simple office games

Games for girls and boys- Work hard, and play hard. In many successful companies, we have heard this line to define their culture. An enjoyable workplace can make your work easier before it becomes hectic.

There are some team-building exercises which help us to think, work, solve and have fun. To encourage you and your team, here are some team-building games your team wants to play:-


Games for girls and boys- This is a team-building game, it takes only 5-6 minutes. In this, the number of participants will be one or multiple small groups. For this, give an object to one person in each group. after that, someone has to go up in front of the group and demonstrate the use of that object. But, the Demonstrator cannot speak, he must demonstrate the object originally, and ideas. The rest of his team partner has to guess that object.
This game will help you in inspiring creativity and individual innovation.


In this 5-6 minutes game, we need only two or more people. In this game, the simple rules are that one partner A (suppose) share something negative with Partner B that happened in their life. but, it has to be true. It may be personal or work-related memory. Then, Partner A discusses the same experience again but it must focus only on the positive aspects. Now, Partner B helps to explore the silver lining of the bad experience. and, after that, they switch roles.
This game helps to reframe the negative situations into a learning experience.


A very interesting game for team building. Simply, Have everyone stand in a circle facing each other. Now, everyone has to put their right hand out and grab a random hand of someone across from them. Ask them to put their hand out and grab another random hand from a different person across the circle. The interesting part of this game is that the group has to untangle the knot of arms without releasing their hands.
This game relies on good communication and workplace for a team-building.


This game will take your 15-20 minutes and four or more objects are needed for this. Pick four or more objects that are different and spilled all your participants in even a team. Now, the team has to describe a scenario and solve out that problem only by using those objects. This situation could be anything. While solving out this scenario you have to give their reasoning.
This game inspires us with team creativity in problem-solving.


Games for girls and boys- A picture, pen and paper, 10-15 minutes and two or more people, that’s all I need. just divide every person into the group of two. In this, a team has to sit showing back-to-back. Now, give a pen and paper to a person and the picture to another person. Now, he has to describe the image without telling it in a simple way. The person with the pen and paper has to draw what they think for the picture.
This game focuses on interpretation and communication.

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Ayushi Tyagi: