Growth serums are promising but these household tips are more easy and effective to get your beard grow

How to grow your beard: Beards are like sign of masculinity to many. And for the one who believe so, and do not gain beard when needed then they are a bit traumatized. Beards do improvise the look of a guy. But it should have an even growth and a perfect shape as well.

So don’t panic if you don’t have one. Here are some of solutions to your problem. It will answer your question that is, how to grow your beard?

Here is a list of some of the methods that help in your beard growth naturally.

What stimulus is required for growth of your beard?

Biotin and folic acid together stimulate the growth of facial hair. Along with these stimulants proper of 8 hours of sleep is required. Because your follicles need plenty of time to grow and at night your skin and follicles repair, providing you with better results.

Eat well

To let your body function normally you need to have a proper diet and for promoting your facial growth you need to pay an extra attention. Add these to your diet to get yor facial hair.

  • Sweet potatoes- Has high percentage of beta carotene that helps in growth of cells of your facial hair.
  • Eggs- It is rich in protein. It is a source of iron, zinc and calcium. Helps in strengthening of hair.
  • Spinach- It is a rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium which are overall requirements for growth of facial hair.
  • Liver- It is compilation of protein, iron and biotin.
  • Cinnamon- It increases the oxgen supply to hair follicles thereby boosting its growth.

Few homemade facial treatment to grow your beard

Before beginning with any remedy, decide and be determined to follow it religiously. If you miss your morning routine that is ok but do bring these remedies in action before you go to bed at night. Because our skin cells are under repair mode while we fall asleep. So whatever you do for your skin is best grasped by skin at night.

Here are few such remedies that will surely be beneficial.

  • Exfoliate your skin- Exfoliation helps in removing dirt and dead cells thereby providing and open space for follices to grow and breathe. Do it twice or thrice a week.
  • Wash your face and cleanse it properly atleast twice a day. Because clearer the skin you have, more paced up will be the hair growth.
  • Eucalyptus helps in promoting facial hair growth. So it is preferred to use moisturizer with eucalyptus in it.
  • Drink plenty of water and have a good amount of sleep.
  • Add Vitamins A, B, C and E to your diet because it helps in speeding up the process of hair growth.

So these were some of the home remedies which answers your question, which says how to grow your beard. I hope this was helpful and if followed religiously will surely provide you with positive results. To know more continue on talepost.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.