Golden Skull: The Final Chapter

Golden Skull: The Final Chapter: Finally the finale of the e-series Golden Skull. We all enjoyed the story but its not the end we will be bringing more stories like the Golden Skull for our viewers. Meanwhile, in the story, X meets old Anurag of 2090 and they finally team up together to correct everything and send both the Anurag back in the time and fix everything as nothing happened.

Golden Skull: The Final Chapter

So they both reached Pushkar’s room and started to search while looking x’s foot hit the floor. As a thing was protruding from the floor he looked down and checked there was an entry from there to a secret place downstairs. He informed old Anurag and they both started to head towards the entry and moved inside a dark small room where a bot was staring at them who responded with intruder! Intruder! Without of options x kicked it and it stopped working. What the hell are you doing said old Anurag? Cant you keep quite like the other one he was smart you are so dumb didn’t you notice that night when you came here I was sleeping in that room only I thought it was y and didn’t respond but no it was you idiot, who killed my sons and behaving like a stupid. You should have checked the room first and then I could have helped you like I helped y.

Whoa! Whoa! What! The team is bigger than I thought this old Anurag helped y to get gadgets. A good one. Alright! As x hit the bot it stopped working and they searched for the light and x found and opened the lights and what they saw shocked them it was not just a room a door was there on the other side. But luckily a woman was there who when found was the assistant of Pushkar. Her name was Shefali and she asked them both a question sir you are back what do you want.

X said you knew this the whole time you old… anyways help us. Okay, now there is a woman also in the story what to say. Old Anurag says to Shefali, what happened to that experiment that we were doing on time portals what’s the status. Sir the machine is ready we have to test it and it’s all good to go, said Shefali. X in a shocking tone what! A time machine, I am proud of my self.

Behave you, idiot, it’s a machine that makes portals through which you can travel to any time period or any zone but I can not keep it here as the person who gave me this said that when its work is complete then you can give it to another Anurag of different time zones. I choose, y but he seemed too greedy but then you came. I saw your potential the day when police took y. I was the one who gave them your address but you made your way till here so you deserve it. But before let’s correct this whole mess.

I do not have any words. Let’s continue, old Anurag switched the machine it was like a mobile with some buttons and a dial pad. he sets the time and swoop, they reached the exact time when x came to 2090, but a few hours back and go to Pushkar’s room and meet Pushkar and stop the machine from making a time portal in x’s time and waited for y to come as he also came that night to the house. All three were sitting and then finally came y and to this, he got shocked and said, Was anybody waiting for me. x says yes come on let’s go back where we belong and stop this mess from happening. To this y said but we will get to take the gadgets. Right!

Yes!yes! you can now go and never visit here and do something crazy and discover the universe and then pass the legacy to whom you think is a perfect fit. x changes the time and zone and first sends y home and came back home and what a coincidence.

Wait now what nobody thought of that other door in Pushkar’s room god knows what’s behind that we never know but the writer knows and to know that visit us sometimes for the updates and hell yes we are coming soon with another e-series like Golden Skull: The Final Chapter to entertain you guys. Thankyou and to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our Facebook.

Manish Suyal: