Golden Skull: The Murder

Golden Skull-The Murder: Welcome again with your second part of the Golden Skull. Just a recap, this whole story is revolving around Mr. Anurag and he is witnessing some major non-realistic events and has found himself in some strange place. Where he had not visited before but the strange thing is he has not traveled and has not even left his house to go somewhere but what can we do the writer wants this way so continuing. Anurag reached this shop and asked for water and the shopkeeper in return stamped him with a tattoo to which he got the idea that this was the reason for previous tattoos moving further.

Part two Golden Skull-The Murder

Golden Skull-The Murder: He saw a narrow road and some people were going down the lane. In the end, there was a café and the same person he sighted in the photo in his house was there. He saw that guy and entered the place and sat in a chair with his head full of doubts, he approached the same person and in return, the person in spite of ignoring him asked him a question, that I have seen you somewhere do you live nearby. To this Anurag got shocked and said I live nearby but have never been to this place. And with this, the stranger also asked do you know any Anurag Sharma. If anybody asks you that! do you know yourself? then that is hilarious you are in a mess only God can save you but here god was not available for Mr. Anurag’s help. To this, he said that he doesn’t know with a strange voice and the person said that don’t worry Mr. Anurag the man of millennia is his father. Now the story is taking a whole new turn. As the stranger finds that Anurag is getting uncomfortable he took him to his house and served him a coffee and asked do you really don’t know Anurag Sharma? to this, he replied a simple no. so the stranger showed him some photos that were hanging on the wall. And out of somewhere this photo came which was having him in the center but bit old and Anurag got confused that, is this me. So he asked the person who is this and the stranger replied that it’s his father Anurag when he was in his mature age. To this he asked the stranger can you show your father’s photo of his childhood and the stranger showed and with his eyes rolling it was him and he was like oh! Teri ki…..

Then he said to the stranger to tell him more about Mr. Anurag, so the stranger replied that his father is a neuron-scientist. his mother died when she was young and they are two brothers Pushkar and Jeet he is Jeet and his elder brother Pushkar is also a scientist who is working on time portals and is inside the next room working on his experiment and his father has grown too old and is now living with them as somebody should be there to take his care.

Golden Skull-The Murder: Wait now can you see the twist in the story.this is how Anurag reached this place by accidentally. Pushkar’s experiment took him here and travel the time. then he asked which year is this he said 2090 after this Anurag got so happy that he is the man who is gonna change the world in future. then he finally asked the stranger that what are the new things that his father has made and the stranger proudly said that his father is the one who has invented the term neuron-money that you born with and dies with. no need to work, people are working just to time pass everybody has enough money and people who are hybrids have the most of the money as they are rich with neuron-money. To this Anurag said that it’s easy for everybody to live here and a thought crossed his mind that what if he takes the gold products. it will help him with his experiments. He thought of asking the stranger but did not had the courage of asking so he took the golden knife and shoved it in the chest of Jeet and decided to take all the gold and meanwhile Pushkar also came and he saw his brother down on the floor with a lot of blood and a knife in Anurag’s hand. Here Anurag saw him and started walking towards him and stabbed him also but in this process, Anurag forgot that this is the future and everything is high tech and also Pushkar pressed a siren alarming the police.

The police arrived in their elevating cars and arrested Anurag. they took him to the police station and checked him for everything but nothing was there with him except the old currency notes that he was having and one more thing that he was missing, was the barcode which people had used to purchase things. Everybody has it but he was not having it. The police thought of him as an extra-terrestrial but he was looking human and when inquired by the police Anurag was only saying that he doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t belong here and to this, the police got confused and called the officials and started to investigate and sent him to the hospital for the check-up inquiring about who is he? and does he belong to that place? Anurag has been taken to hospital and admitted there and the checkups are being done on him to know that what is he? So this is the Golden Skull-The Murder and we also have a third part coming very soon. For more continue on and if you have not checked the first part continues here. Meanwhile, check our facebook handle and as the writer has told me to say”suspence me jeene ka maza hi alag hai”.

Manish Suyal: