Google Company is back with more interesting and amazing apps

From morning to evening, smartphones are playing an important and integral part of our daily life. Now, Google is bringing out a new experiment. The company is making a plan of making a digital wellbeing effort by launching Digital Wellbeing experiments. According to the Company, experiments are aimed at encouraging developers and designers for building digital wellbeing tools in the preferred products and services.

Google Company: For this project, the Company introduced a few experimental digital wellbeing apps for android users. i.e., Unlock Clock, Post Box, We Flip, Paper Phone, Desert Island and Morph. These apps are available on Google’s Play Store.


Lock-screen live wallpaper shows how many times do you unlock your device in a day. As the company says, it will help you to know the smartphone’s usage. hence, it is a live wallpaper, it will not appear as an app after getting installed. users will find it in your live wallpaper library.


typical post box which works as collecting all the notifications in a separate place and delivering them once at a scheduled time. it helps you for having fewer distractions from phone rings and vibrations.


Google Company: This device helps you to disconnect by printing a personal booklet. This Booklet contains all the key information. This kind of information normally needs your smartphones. it includes contacts, maps, calendar, information, and more so. In this device, you can create paper apps for recipes, phrasebooks, and notebooks.


it aims to make a summarise way on the technology for you by having some essential applications. You can plan your applications according to your use. after that, you can see the other ones at last through the day.

MORPH –Morph, Android launcher that shows different apps based on the time and the location itself. With the help of this, it helps you to keep a focus on the important tasks.  Morph is an Android launcher that shows different apps based on time and location. By doing this, the app hopes to keep your focussed on important tasks.

Google Company: November last year, Google has also launched Digital Wellbeing tools, especially for Pixel Smartphone users. It was expanded for the support for Non-Google Devices. other smartphone makers are making incorporate situations in their Android Devices.

Ayushi Tyagi: