Has Medical Science and technology failed to find a solution to CoronaVirus?

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CoronaVirus is a family of viruses in large numbers, that has symptoms ranging from cold flu cough. Recently WHO declared that it is a kind of disease that has been transmitted from animals to humans. There are many types of coronavirus that are not identified in Humans yet?

The Rise of Threat of Virus?

Corona had emerged from a city in China named Wuhan in December 2019. There are many stories behind the CoronaVirus.Some say that it has come from the seafood market in Wuhan. Some people say that it has come from a virus from a bat. There are many stories behind this but the exact cause has not been found yet.

The CoronaVirus officially called as Covid’19 by World Health Organisation ahs spread now in more than 120 countries that initially emerged from China. It is being said that China knew about the adverse effects of Covid and they did not disclose this worldwide. It is the reason being countries and people are facing serious health issues resulting in the death of more than 5000 people.

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Any Solution Yet?

Researchers and doctors have shared many opinions on a solution to CoronaVirus. However, there has not been any clear medication/treatment for that. Now the question is Has Medical Science and technology failed to find a solution to CoronaVirus?

But it has been confirmed by China’s national health commission that the virus can be spread by human to human interaction. Therefore if anyone has symptoms of Corona Virus that lasts longer for seven days then he/she should immediately take serious treatment.

This is not the first time that any disease has affected any country and economy this bad, but this time the situation is a bit serious and medical science and technology have not come to any conclusion yet.

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