Blood Pressure Won’t Knock You Down With These Wonder Food Items

Five best foods to reduce your high blood pressure

High Blood Pressure is one of the biggest health risks that the global population is facing today. Some would say it’s dangerous. High blood pressure can cause innumerable problems like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, vertigo and even death! Hypertension is such condition which has almost no symptoms. The only way to catch the hypertension is to get your blood pressure checked on a regular basis.

We celebrate 17th May as World Hypertension Day. It is a day, which is dedicated to understanding this silent killer better.

This era is an era of the rat race. We compete with each other to survive better than each other. We have our career tension, relationship, and marriage related tension, the pressure of higher education and everything under the sun. So often, we don’t realize that we are having some issues with blood pressure. We feel tired, start to lose weight, feel the sense of vertigo and then we remember about the high Blood Pressure. Various studies say that 1/3 portion have the belief of having a high Blood Pressure rate among the sufferers.


According to Science, 120/80 is considered to be the normal limit. The range of blood pressure between 120/80 – 140/90 is referred to as ‘pre-hypertension’ and anything over than 140/90 should be considered as a high Blood Pressure rate. It’s very important to note that just one reading does not indicate that you’re suffering from high blood pressure. These numbers need to be stable over time.

Some notable cases causing high blood pressure

Lack of physical exercise, excessive consumption of natural salt, unhealthy diet and genetic predisposition are the key factors of this demon in disguise. Other factors that increase the odds are constant drinking, smoking, obesity,  and stress. Processed or canned food and drinks might also be contributing to this high level of increasing blood pressure.

Prevention Methods: How to reduce your high blood pressure

Here we have jotted down some precautions to avoid this silent evil.

The best five foods which can reduce high blood pressure:

  1. Banana: Yes, you read it right. These easy-peel yellow fruits are just sweet and low in sodium and they’re also rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure. You can have more bananas with your cake, cereal, bread, smoothie, and milkshakes. Or try grilling or sauteing banana halves, then top it with a scoop of frozen yogurt or whipped cream. Bang on! Try these recipes too like Banana & Honey Smoothie, Banana Milkshake, Banana & Oat Bread, Banana Bread. Yummy, ain’t it?
  2. Chocolates: Our all-time favorite food. We feel happy, we have it. We feel dry and cry, we chew it.  Scientific research says that chocolates are rich in flavonols which widens the blood vessels and eases the blood flow. That helps in reducing high BP. So eat chocolate dil se!
These secret foods can help you to reduce your high blood pressure faster
  1. Beetroot: This red-hot vegetable is rich in nitrates, to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Drinking a glass of beet juice with apple juice can yield a five-point drop in blood pressure, according to an Australian study. Yes, beetroot juice lowers systolic blood pressure in a short period of time. So what are you waiting for? Grab a glass now
  1. Fatty fish: Researchers from various countries published a study that looked at the impact of having fatty fish on diastolic blood pressure among overweight people. Eating fatty fish such as salmon five times a week was directly linked with a reduction in diastolic blood pressure over some weeks. The researchers say that many previous studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids (found naturally in fish) have a blood pressure-lowering effect. So it is told to Blood Pressure patients to have such fishes to maintain the pressure rate.
  1. Carrots: One carrot a day keeps the high BP away! Carrots are high in potassium and beta-carotene, those have been shown effective in reducing high blood pressure. Carrot juice also helps to maintain normal blood pressure by regulating the heart and kidney functions. But no, Gajar ki Halwa won’t help you lower blood pressure!

Here are five best choices besides there are more foods like watermelons, pistachio nuts, pomegranates, oranges etc which will help you to reduce this dangerous evil. But you should maintain a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise. Plus you should be positive throughout the day.

Thus we can fight over this little but harmful menace!

Komal Sinha: