Character Employees
In a company there are many types of employee. Employer must describe their employee by designation but here we are not describing it. We are only resembling them as a play Character
It is going to be a hilarious play I am sure you want to be a part of for sure in the end of this play whether you resemble yourself from one of the character or not but it will be worth reading, or who knows you are playing some of the roles as you go through you will find particular character describes you.
Play Characters
Accountant or cashier as a WIFE
Admin H.R Manager as Grand Parents
Sales & Marketing Manager as a Children
Purchase Head as a Head Servant
Peon as a Maid
So as you can see play Characters are decided, seems to be a Hilarious play according to the characters let’s go further.
Accountant or cashier as a WIFE Character

This character holds the important role in the family it has to manage everything in a way so that at the end of the month management (family Members) needs are fulfilled without budget go down.
Now the hilarious part is this that the character “thinks” that it can do some kind of magic in a way so that both the parties Employer (Husband) and the management (family Members} live happily ever after. But this is a day dreaming.
Although this character holds the charge it get petty cash as a cashier every month but at other hand it cannot spend a single penny according to its wish. As a result this character wants to control everyone but at the end of the month founds controlled by everyone. “bechari marti kya ni karti”.
Admin H.R Manager as Grand Parents

Here comes the oldest employee of the management or you can say oldest member of the family. This character plays a role of the Boss in reality it is not but “Sochne me kya jaata hai”. They pretend they are the closest to the Boss or as equivalent but you know boss thinking they are only close to their equity.
Time to time this character plays major role in the management (Family) and take some strict action to be in the limelight or to make boss realise that their heavy presence is important for management (Family) but in fact all in vain because everybody knows that “garajne wale badal baraste nahin”
Sales & Marketing Manager as a Children

For this character everybody has pity from the bottom of their heart because they are the invisible character of the Management (family). Boss (head of the family) make this character feel that they are the pillars of the management (family) but by the midterm performance this day dreaming also take place to reality as they fail to prove themselves. Then only they got to know that they are not the pillars but labours who load their business on the back as children load their heavy bags place to place to gain points but at last fails too. “ghar kae na ghat ke”
Purchase Head as a Head Servant

You must be thinking how come they are relevant to each other. The Purchaser (Head Servant) responsibility is to bargain or to minimise the purchase in a way that relevant and necessary items bought at nominal rates or lesser than the previous month. The conclusion is to control budget but all necessary items should be available at the premises. This is also a very difficult task which cannot be fulfilled every month, after all “Mehngai ka zamana hai”.
Peon as a Maid

Now this is the last but not the least important character of the management (Family) as well as of this play its Major J.R. (Job Responsibility) is to open their ear and eyes at all the time. To provide the information like what is going on who is backbiting the management (Family). Peon (Maid) by opening their eyes and ear gather all the information and speaks up in front of the boss when asked.
They make this slogan real “Desh ki Aankh aur Kaan Baniye”