Home Remedies And Tips To Prevent Excessive Hair Fall In Rainy Season

Rainy season increases humidity in the environment. As this season arrives, one of the most important issues which we face is excessive hair fall. Although most of us indulge in buying shampoos, conditioners which prevent this condition, but here we bring you some home remedies to solve it. One of the best ways to avoid extreme frizziness or hair fall is to go for trimming your locks. From our age-old tradition of Ayurveda, there are various products in our kitchen which could be utilized to fix hair fall woes.

Home-made packs

Making hair-packs by using our kitchen products is a great way to treat this issue at home. For making a hair-pack, you need:

  • 1 cup of Almond oil
  • Peppermint leaves
  • A small block of camphor

After heating up this, you can apply it on your hair scalp. This not only ensures hair growth but also prevents dandruff.

Another fantastic pack which could be made easily at home requires the below mentioned products:

  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • Aloe-vera in a little amount
  • Lemon juice

By applying this on your hair, you will be able to get shiny hair. It will help to combat the damage caused to hair in rainy season.

Eating the right products

The right products in your diet can help to eliminate such problems. In ancient times, our grandmothers used to make use of natural products such as fenugreek seeds on a daily basis. These things boosted immunity and helped to prevent hair loss. Some of these essential to be included for hair loss are-

Methi dana or Fenugreek seeds– This is full of proteins and it could be used in a number of ways to improve the quality of hair. It also prevents baldness which people with extreme hair fall might be facing. These seeds need to be soaked overnight in water for getting its maximum benefits. It is added even in cooked vegetables and could be consumed in that way too. Many women facing hormonal issues suffer from hair loss and incase they use fenugreek, it could bring wonderful results. Mixing it with yogurt and applying it on the scalp could be done as well.

Nutmeg- This spice is full of number of nutrients which will help you to fight hair-fall in the rainy season. Nutmeg could be brought from any shop and it could be blended into powder for applying it on the scalp. The nutmeg powder could be mixed with either oil or water and used to combat the problem of hair fall. The lost glory of Indian spices needs to be reintroduced in our lives and such homemade remedies work well for hair issues.

Amla or Gooseberry– This is rich in Vitamin C and is a natural immunity booster which will allow regrowth of hair. Amla oil is available in the market and it could be applied in monsoon season to combat hair fall issues. This could also be used along with yogurt and applied like hair pack in rainy season.

Using such home made remedies and products available in your kitchen will ensure that you get shiny, silky and smooth hair even during rainfall. Try these tips to get results.

Ankita Singh: