How To Get Pregnant? Checkout Some Most Useful Tips To Conceive

How to get pregnantHow to get pregnant

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial and special parts of one’s life. Celebrating the feeling of being a mother is one such feeling that can not be felt or be replaced by any other happening in life. So for all the ladies out there who are planning to enter the motherhood phase and are willing to live this magical journey of pregnancy filled in with ample emotions and love.

We are here to guide you on how to get pregnant. I’m sure you all are thoroughly aware of the process of sexual intercourse, but knowing about the perfect time and tricks to be followed to get pregnant is essential. As every coitus does not lead to pregnancy, let us know why and what can be done to achieve successful results.

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Why Not Every Coitus Lead To Pregnancy?

This needs to be understood thoroughly as it will guide you throughout and help you in understanding why not every coitus leads to pregnancy. And this could be one of the reasons for your inability to conceive after ample intercourse attempts.

For a successful pregnancy to occur it is absolutely essential for the male sperm to penetrate the female ovum. After sperm ejection into the female vagina, it takes about 45 min to 12 hours for it to reach the fallopian tube (site for the fusion of egg and ovum) since the male sperm can survive for 7 days into the fallopian tube, women can conceive within that week if it collides with her Ovulation phase.

Hence if there is a gap of more than a week between sperm ejection and ovulation then pregnancy will not happen as sperm degenerates after a week.

Now let see how can you overcome this and calculate the perfect time of getting pregnant.

What is Ovulation Phase And How To Calculate The Time Of Ovulation?

The ovulation phase is the time period in which the mature egg is released from the ovaries and travels down to the fallopian tube. For every woman, the length of the menstrual cycle differs ranging from 28 to 32 days. Whatever is the length of your menstrual cycle divide it by two, whatever be the answer, count the number of days from the first day of your menses as that will be your day of ovulation.

For eg. You have a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days and your first day of menses was on 1st July, then what is your day of ovulation?

Length of menstrual cycle/2

= 28/2


Day of ovulation= First day of menses + 14 (as per the hypothetical case mentioned above, it may vary according to the length of your cycle)

= 1st July + next 14 days

=15th July

Hence, 15th July is the day of ovulation.

Similarly, you can calculate yours with the method mentioned above.

Best Time For Conceiving

Now how to calculate the best time to conceive. Once the sperm is released it can survive for a maximum of 7 days in the uterus, and the egg after release stays in the fallopian tube for 24 hours waiting to get fertilized. So performing coitus 6 days before (as it takes about 45 min to 12 hours for it to reach the fallopian tube) or on the day or next day to ovulation leads to a successful pregnancy. These days that have a high chance of pregnancy is called a Risk Phase. So perform regular coitus in this Risk phase of 7-8 days in order to increase your chance of getting pregnant.

Follow these methods and be a bit calculative as it will help you to get pregnant. And even if these methods fail you can surely visit a Gynecologist nearby for addressing the issue and getting a quick solution to your problem.

Tips On How To Get Pregnant

  • Perform intercourse or coitus regularly during the Risk period
  • Avoid junk food, alcohol, smoking, carbonated beverages, or any form of caffeine or nictotine or any toxic addiction as it detriorates the quality of sperm and ovum, making them unfit for fertilization
  • Prefer to workout atleast 3-4 times a week. As it enhances your overall ability to conceive and even making you fit to hold your pregnancy

Menstrual Cycle Tracking App

If calculating your ovulation is getting tedious then install some of the menstrual tracking apps that indicate ovulation, risk period, menses date. Few apps are listed below, download any of these for easy tracking:

  1. Flo Period Tracker & Ovulation. My PMS Calendar
  2. Period Tracker – Period Calendar Ovulation Tracker
  3. Period Tracker, Ovulation Calendar & Fertility app
  4. Clue Period Tracker, Cycle & Ovulation Calendar
  5. My Calendar – Period Tracker

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To Sum Up

So this was the complete detail on how to get pregnant. Share your views on how informative the topic was for you. And if you wish to know more about the Pre-Pregnancy, Pregnancy, and Post-Pregnancy phases. Then write us down in the comment section below. Stay tuned to talepost to learn more about health.

Planning to conceive but failing to achieve so. Dive through the topic to learn some useful tips on how to get pregnant.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.