How To Keep A Healthy Hair? Look At 10 Natural Tips To Revive Your Hair

How To Keep A Healthy Hair: Be it men or women, having thick locks is what everyone desires. But in this extremely busy life, daily spending time to maintain and take good care of hair is a typically tough task and not everyone can undergo regular spa treatment for the required maintenance.

So for everyone desiring to have a thick lock and who have been continuously searching as to how to have healthy long hair then here is a list of 10 natural healthy hair tips, have a look. And get shinier and thick locks.

10 Natural Tips As To How To Keep A Healthy Hair

The first and the foremost thing that needs to be kept in mind before beginning the hair treatment is that you need to be regular, random treatment would ooze you proper results. Be it once or twice a week be regular with whatever you do. So without further ado peep down to acquaint yourself with ways to keep a healthy hair.

Note: All these methods have been tried and tested before introducing them to you.

Hair Oiling Followed By Steaming

This is one of the best methods to rejuvenate your dry and frizzy hair. Apply any hair oil that suits you well and post-application steam the hair for 5-10 minutes. And then wash the hair after a span of 1-2 hours. This method should only be done once a week since excessive repetition of it leads to hair moisture loss. If you don’t have time to wait for 1-2 hours then you can apply oil at night and steam it in the morning and then wash it away. You can choose to work either way.

Proper Shampooing Atleast Twice A Week

As we daily use soap to clean our body parts, similarly scalp also needs daily cleaning as it holds the sebum and dirt which could be the potential reason for dandruff, hair loss, and dryness. So for healthy hair, you need to have a healthy scalp. Use Sulfate and Paraben-free shampoo at least twice for proper cleaning because that will eventually help you in getting healthy and shiny hair.

Hair Conditioning

After shampooing this is one of the best treatments to be done to keep hair smooth and silky. Towel dry your hair post shampooing and apply conditioner all over the lengths to avoid application to the scalp and roots. Keep it for 5-10 minutes and rinse it off. This will help you get instant soft and shiny locks that you must have been desiring for a long. Hence this becomes one of the instant and best healthy hair tips.

Usage Of Hair Mask

For proper nourishment of your hair lengths, this needs to applied post shampooing on towel-dried hair at least once a week. When using a hair mask the conditioner step can be skipped as it is the best replacement.

Healthy Diet

Not just the external, internal treatment needs to be focused equally in order to attain healthy, thick, long, and shiny hair. As we know our hair is made up of protein. So incorporating protein into the diet improves hair health to ample folds.

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Water Intake

Not just hair damage, loss of water leads to disruption in various bodily functions. So for healthy hair and body, a required and minimum amount of water needs to be taken in. As water helps in detoxifying every part of your body, helping the body to absorb the healthy and remove the harmful.


Regular exercise helps in proper blood circulation all over the body including the roots of the hair. Treating the roots help in the overall treatment of hair and hence forms the best way as to how to keep a healthy hair.

Proper Sleep

Calmness and proper energy are required by the body to function appropriately. So a complete 6-8 hours of sleep is essential for the body to work efficiently and stay healthy. Hence taking proper sleep helps in having healthy long hair.

Use Of Essential Oils

This is one of the best healthy hair tips that anyone can give to you. The use of essential oils improves the quality of your hair by giving them immense strength. Hence a single use of it will give you fruitful results problem be any. Add 10-20 drops of any essential oil in your regular oil and apply it properly on your scalp.

Reduced Stress

Stress leads to a reduction in nutrition absorbing power of the body hence reduced nutrition eventually leads to damaged hair and scalp.

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To Sum Up

So this was all about how to keep a healthy hair. So try out these tips and post usage share your experiences in the comment section below. Stay tuned to talepost for updates on health, fitness, and lifestyle.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.