Look good, not to impress but to enjoy being sexy

How to look goodHow to look good

How to look good: Looks do matter because they are always the sight of your first impression. Your way of dressing, your body language and the way of presenting your self in a combined form helps you to create your impression.

Work was done in order to give an impressive presentation of you to an extent up to which it is required, then it is a complete sign of confidence, and improvement to grow because if we dress well we feel confident within our own skin. But if this, dressing to impress becomes an unnecessary obsession than that is an alarming sign because that would not only degrade your persona rather it will lead you to a continuous feeling of insecurity and a feeling of resentment within.

So what I feel is that one should dress to feel happy for his own self before impressing someone else our dressing should impress us because ones we are impressed by our own self, ones we feel confident about what we are carrying then definitely it will help you to feel more confident and fill in within you a harmonious rhythm.

Here are some tips on how to look good and feel the persona of you.

Wear a smile

This the key ingredient that makes your personality more attractive, a personality that people love to talk to. This quality is one of those qualities which people actually forget to wear. Which somehow resists their growth and reflection of their personified personality.

Good odour

If you feel that it’s just the clothes you were define you then let me tell you that is not true wearing a good set of cloth is one of the parameters of having good looks, not the only parameter. if you wear an expensive set of cloth and you smell awful then obviously that would create a negative count on your personality. And it not only about the looks it is about the personality you wear.

Get an organized dress code

Wearing all the best you have doesn’t mean that would reflect the best of you. Rather it could be exactly opposite to what you had expected. Always try to dress according to the need of the space where you are, being descent, having a calculative dressing sense and the way you carry yourself helps you to pop the best within you.

Personal hygiene

This is the quality one should carry, because as I have already said everything you do to impress others should being with you impressing your ownself. If you lack hygiene this somehow will continuously make you feel under graded and when you feel so you turn to be less confident, less productive and thereby erroding your own persona.

What you wear, matters

One of the most important parameters of looking good, is what you wear, looking shabby never helps you to be the kind of person whom others might look forward to. Being well dressed and that dressing along with being presentable should be comfortable to you as well because if it won’t be comfortable either it will hamper your performance or you won’t continue it for long.

So these were some of the most important tips on how to look good, if these tips you follow wholeheartedly then their would be an assured enhancement of your personality as well as enhancement of your social circle which will always look forward to you. to know more continue on talepost. And for more updates continue here.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.