Happy New Year 2020: welcome to you all in 2020. And we present to you all, Some recaps of humanity left in us in the past year and I and everybody despite of a little evil in us, we know somebody is watching us, as a place full of culprits cant be kept aside without a watchdog. and here we are with some.
Things that make us, believe about our humanity

This man saving this little girl is awesome and we also have shared it. But when this man was helping this girl child. She didn’t tell him I am Hindu/Muslim. Please help me! and after knowing this then the man helped, No! a big no it’s just we have got some humanity left. Moving to others below
This is a dog, we all love dogs, and we all wish we had one and some of us have but to us, all who have a dog at home would it be ok if it was your dog and not only dog or any other animal you think is the creativity of somebody, Who has left them with us?
And this is everybody talking about, but what we do not see are below

This is an image of a riot and in India, riots are just made, once more “made”.
Humanity left in us: his not an issue for the present but it will arise as the rape cases that are happening in our country it’s hard for the woman to survive here. to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our facebook.