India China War: WAR, the term itself is full of pessimism and hatred. Relations between India and China have never been peaceful. It has always been just a conditional bond between the two nations that have allowed to lead a terror-free life. But the prevailing situations from the past few days are pretty alarming in terms of Sino Indian relations.
The situation appeared warlike when a statement oozed from China that “have Indians forgotten their history.” Basically underlining the Sino Indian war which took place in the year 1962.
The most preferred way to get the prevailing tension pacified is having bilateral meets. The diplomatic section could serve as a better option. Meets are continuously in action to make things peaceful and way better than before.
The Army Strength
War is no solution. It simply harms to thousands of lives for a piece of land. So we request the nations to kindly acknowledge the importance of human life and your soldiers. And somehow manage to control the escalating war-like situation.
India ranks 4th globally in terms of army strength with a count of 1,444,000 army personnel whereas China ranks 3rd globally with a count of 2,183,000 army personnel.
Both countries represent a high army count. But talking of the distribution, count of Indian army personnel is very less on the Indo China border which can turn harmful during any emergency situation.
How did it start?
Relations between India and China have always been in news due to its border disputes. And so has happened this time. China had tried to create a ruckus over the disputed Himalayan border. The statement generated by the Indian government says “Chinese soldiers tried to disturb the regular patrolling session.”
But that wasn’t all, the fight burned among the soldiers that led to the victimization of army troops on either side. And this act appeared as an inoculum to the India China war, which is now supposed to get settled over bilateral meets.
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How will Indian economy get affected, if India China war happen?
China is a great revenue-generating section of India. Coming to the data analysis India imports total of 16 percent of goods from China and exports 5.08 percent goods to China. Due to the India China war if this trade disrupts, then the Indian economy will have to suffer a major set back.
Imports from China served to be cheaper both at the level of commodity costing and traveling. But if this disrupts then the same commodity will have to be imported from other nations. And that will be expensive. In order to enhance or balance the revenue generation price of basic commodities will increase. And this price rise will affect the mental health and working of middle and lower sections of society.
So maintaining peace is what we all demand. Situations amid this COVID-19 are not yet happening, in the mid of this warlike situation are not favorable for any nation. To maintain peace and harmony and stay safe.