“If Shiva can smoke weed, Why can’t I?” Sadhguru will explain the difference

Sadhguru on weed smoking: Sadhguru, an Indian yogi, an author, founder of Isha Foundation and a practitioner of spirituality. He works to liberate the society with the ties of myths, works to uplift the education and the environment. Because these three forces together hold the world strong. In the wake of curiosity, people reach to him with various doubts and return with an unequivocal answer. This not only gives satisfaction, rather the knowledge poured in by him changes the way of looking and observing things. A curiosity question asked to him says “If Shiva can smoke weed, Why can’t I? Sadhguru not only answered it but gave a very fine and delicate explanation.

He says “Shiva was not such a cripple that he needed chemicals from outside. He was stoned, no question about that. But he is not using a substance, he is a substance.”

The only reason that people intoxicate themselves is that they want to feel pleasure when they are not capable enough to produce one. Weeds or any other means of hallucination induces within your stimulation that prompts you to behave peacefully. Till you get your dose, you are a peaceful person, but once it is driven from you, the habitual person simply explodes in an uncontrolled manner. Shiva was stoned, but injecting substance from outer sources to pacify himself is not what people think.

He talks about Adi Shankaracharya, he says ” Once while walking briskly with a bunch of his disciples trotting behind him, he came to a village. Outside the village, he saw a few people drinking, most likely the country home-brew liquor. Adi Shankaracharya looked at these few people in an inebriated condition. These people made some comments on him. Without a word, Shankaracharya walked into the shop, took a pitcher, drank it and walked on. Behind him, his disciples were trotting and among themselves, they started discussing that ” If our guru can drink, why can’t we?” Adi Shankara was aware of what was happening. When he came to the next village, there was a blacksmith working there. Adi Shankara went inside, picked up the pot of molten iron, drank it and walked on. Now you are not going to imitate him! So even if you think Shiva smoked never try to imitate him.”

Sadhguru on weed smoking simply put up a question asking everyone that if they want to imitate Shiva, can they do the rest of the thing he does. Sadhguru explains that getting on weeds and Marijuana simply toxifies your entire body. Taking these for a continuous period of 60-90 days lowers the IQ level of a person by 8 to 9 points. Which disturbs the normal functioning. He saysIf you can simply sit here so super alert that you are stoned, that is the way to get stoned, not by smoking weeds.”

The gist of his saying explains that smoking weed is not healthy at any cost. Shiva himself is the substance, he himself is a creator, he is away from the material pleasure. He is stoned, and there is no doubt about it but not by any material means.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.