In The Midst Of Death: The Experiment- Like the previous chapter of this story concluded that the mad scientist Pablo gave the antidote to George and George travels back to his country. and meets his boss Hugo who is the son of the minister and he meets him in the office and George hands it to Hugo. Now continuing the story where we left.

Meanwhile, Pablo goes to his fathers home and meets them and is looking for a new project but Hugo calls him to confirm that the antidote is for real and they don’t want harm to their people but want to stop and decrease the population just it and to this Pablo yes it is correct and I am also working on it meanwhile you go with it and start using it.
Hugo goes to his laboratory and gives this antidote to his scientist and leaves the tests are going on and it is correct that they were trying to lessen the population by making the females and males of no use reproduce by simply changing the water and food that the public was consuming and it was a continuous process and everything was going right and where the situation got out of hands and this simple experiment when outrageous and it started making people sick without no reason and yes with no reason they were breathing their last breaths and to this Hugo got confused and talks to his father and his father Mr. Raco who was the prime minister of that country said that to his son to talk to Pablo about this but as he said this a call from Pablo’s number and yes he was shocked and I am too that how this out of nowhere.

I am little shocked but anyways the writer wants it to go this way. anyways continuing with the story. Hugo took the call and Pablo was shouting That yes I have done it I did it you can’t imagine what I have got and cuts the phone and from there Hugo got a little tensed and happy both at the same time and calls George and explains him that go lookout for Pablo as he is the only hope we have got and explain to him that we are in trouble.
George took the first flight to Pablo’s home and reach there and know on the door and Pablo’s father opens the gate and says yes who are you? to this George said that I am Pablo’s friend and I am looking for him. to this, the father said that he was laughing like mad last night and two people like you came and took him and he didn’t tell me where he was going.

Ok amigos this for all we have for today and didn’t expect from the writer to write this awesome story but continue on Talepost for similar articles like In The Midst Of Death: The Experiment and for updates visit our Facebook.