More to know about the Indian hockey and its journey

Indian hockey Achievements: The national game always has a special corner in everyone’s heart. Be it Indians striving for gold as an independent team or representing as the ancient team of British India. The journey of Indian hockey has been a roller coaster ride with ample of uphill and downhill bumps. But at the hard work of the team made them shine like a glorious star.

As it is said “You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for” and that is so true. This absolutely fits them. Who rose, worked hard and in the initial stage did put in more of them to become the first non-European team to become the part of the International Hockey Federation.

How did the run for Hockey begin

Hockey was introduced in India by the British government way back in the 19th century. Initially, it gained massive media attention. But since it was new to Indian’s so to pull it was a bit difficult. Along with a run to get India independent, playing a game introduced by Britisher’s wasn’t as easy as playing hockey is today.

India got its first hockey club in 1885 established in Calcutta. From there the journey of hockey to be our National game began. Primitive Indian hockey got its legal authority in 1925 named as Indian Hockey Federation.

After getting labeled as the national team, the path became more difficult. But the team with its hard work traversed through it, which help it to gain global consideration. Which made them be part of the Summer Olympics.

The journey after getting global membership

After becoming a member of International Hockey Federation, Indian hockey started rooting itself strong. India played its first Olympics where it hit hard to capture gold and managed to do so. With a spectacular team, India managed to be an unbeaten hockey team by winning 6 gold medals in Olympics in a row.

Indian hockey strived through all odds to win the World cup in 1975. By far the Indian team has been the most successful team in the Olympics with a total of 8 gold, one silver, and 2 bronze.

Describing Indian hockey would be incomplete if I miss mentioning Dhyan Chand. He was, is and will continue to be considered as the face of Indian hockey. Who served as winning inoculum to the Indian hockey.


Indian hockey still has a long list of its achievements, this was just a bit of it.

  • Consecutive 6 Olympic gold medals in a row.
  • Won a total of 8 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals in the Olympics.

So this was all about Indian hockey, its struggle, its enthusiasm, its hard work. Which still pumps us up to do great, to achieve greatness and to be great. to know more continue on Talepost similar articles like Indian hockey Achievements and for updates visit our Facebook

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.