6 Interesting Facts About Dussehra You May Not Heard Before

Dusshera is also known as Vijayadashami, it is one of the Hindu Festivals that is celebrated with great enthusiasm because it signifies the victory of good over the evil. It is often said that according to Ramayana in the past there was a battle between Lord Rama and the demon Ravana which lasted for 10 long days and on the 10th day of the battle demon Ravana was killed and that day is celebrated as Dusshera. Here are some of the interesting facts about Dusshera-

  1. The Sun Fact

Dusshera word is derived from Sanskrit words Dasha and Hara which means Sun and Defeat respectively. It is an old saying which says if Lord Rama had not killed Ravana the sun would not have risen. The Sun fact is also known as one of the most important facts about Dussehra festival. 

  1. Ten Heads of Ravana

The ten heads of Ravana represents different meanings and ten bad qualities such as, most people won’t believe but this is an among some true facts about Dussehra.

  • Lust- Kam Vasana
  • Anger- Krodh
  • Attachment- Modh
  • Greed – Lobh
  • Over Pride- Mad
  • Jealousy- Matsarya
  • Selfishness- Swarth
  • Injustice- Anyaay
  • Cruelty- Amanita
  • Ego- Ahankar
  1. The great emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism on Dusshera

Buddhism and Hindu culture are two different festivals that are derived from Sanatan Dharma. History defines that the great emperor Ashoka converted to Buddhism to get rid of the evil things such as greed, cruelty, and inhumanity as he thought these qualities should not affect the living of a person.

  1. Celebrated in Neighbouring Countries too

Our neighboring countries Nepal, Malaysia and Sri Lanka also celebrate Dusshera with great joy and enthusiasm. In Malaysia, it is counted as an official holiday to celebrate the religious festival apart from that Durgotsav is also celebrated in places of the world like London, Los Angeles, Sydney etc.

  1. The Homevisit

It is an old belief which says that Goddess Durga visits her birthplace i.e “Prithvi” during the time of Navaratri and stays here for some time and on the 10th day i.e Vijayadashmi she goes back to Kailash to Lord Shiva. There are many stories behind this saying and many people follow this and think that it is the truth that’s why the seven days the Goddess is worshipped in temples and homes.

  1. Garba in American Universities

Many American universities organize Garba and Dandiya festival for the students in order to encourage them and spread joy, as Garba is a very enthusiastic dance form and it cheers each and every person playing it.

Ashwarya Ralhan: