ISRO has made India proud with its achievements

ISRO achievementsISRO achievements

ISRO achievements: Indian Space Research Organisation, it is an Indian space agency of Government of India. Whose whole sole moto is to “harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research & planetary exploration”. This organisation has always brought laurels to our nation. It completely works on the principle of cost effective space shuttle exploration. It targets on making space shuttles that have least cost expenditure based on home ground science techniques providing the best result. ISRO targets to achieve the impossible and without any doubt it does so. Making us proud and symbolizing our nation as one of the best and fast developing space research organisation and highlighting ISRO as the best cost effective and remarkable space shuttle developing agency.

Some facts about ISRO

Isro FactsIsro Facts
  • Its headquarter is in Bangalore.
  • It is the space agency that has completed its 50 years of establishment.
  • After the establishment of ISRO, scientist whose vision headed and proceeded the Indian space research programme was Vikram Sarabhai, he is considered as the father of Indian space programme.
  • K. Sivan is the current chairman of ISRO.
  • Yearly budget of ISRO is US $1.5 billion.

Complete explanation of ISRO’s principle and ideology

  • Its prime objective is to use space shuttle system developed by it, in national interest.
  • Being an organisation working for national interest, works to give the best output with least expenditure of national treasure.
  • It is a non-competitive space agency that inclines to work, in order to discover as much as possible that could benefit our nation.

Space shuttles and launch vehicles developed by ISRO

Launch Vehicles

Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV)

  • It was a 4 stage solid propellant light launcher.
  • First launched in 1979 and lastly in the year 1983.
  • Had a range of reaching height up to 500 kilometres.

Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV)

  • It was a five stage solid propellant rocket.
  • It had a capacity of placing 150 kg into low earth orbit.
  • First launched in 1987 and lastly in the year 1994.

Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)

  • It has an expanded launch system which devised to launch Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites into Sun synchronous orbit.
  • Maximum number of satellites launched by PSLV is 104.

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)

  • It is an expandable launch system devised to launch its INSAT type of satellites.
  • It helps to launch satellite into geo stationary orbit.
  • It has a payload capacity of 5 tons into Low Earth Orbit.

Few of the most acknowledged satellites launched by ISRO

INSAT series

  • It is multi-purpose Geo Stationary Satellite.
  • Purpose of its launch was to improve telecommunication, broadcasting, meteorology and search and rescue operations of India.


  • It was the first satellite to mark for India’s first moon mission.
  • This was launched by the modifies version of PSLV on 22nd October 2008.
  • This was the first lunar mission that informed for the existence of water on moon.


  • It was the part if India’s second moon mission which had a combination of an orbiter, a launcher and a rover.
  • It was launched by GSLV Mk-III launch vehicle.
  • The main objective of this mission was to discover the soft landing capacity of satellites on lunar surface.

Mangalyaan (Mars Orbiter Mission)

  • This was one of the biggest of all ISRO achievements, which has sent a bench mark all over the globe, making India as the first nation to reach Mars in single attempt with least expenditure in the satellite making.
  • With it low cost expenditure being $74 million.
  • National space society awarded the entire team of Mars orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) with prestigious Space Pioneer award.

These are just a few of ISRO achievements, but the spectacular work by this organisation has not only made us proud but has certainly increased the accountability of our nation worldwide. To know more continue on talepost.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.