ISRO to launch “Chandrayan 2” by next year : Proud Moment For India

After Chandrayan 1, Chandrayan 2 is India’s second lunar exploration mission. It is developed and manufactured by ISRO- that is, Indian Space Research Organisation. The mission titled Chandrayan 2 will carry 6 wheeled rovers. The most likely dates being, 2 and 3 January. This addition to the Chandrayan mission, is second in the row. ISRO plans on, launching 9 missions in the coming year. ISRO’S previous launch lost communication once it was out of the orbit, and hence they want to be extra cautious with this mission now. Chandrayan 2 will be ISRO’S first ever attempt to land a rover on the moon.

Features of “Chandrayan 2”

Chandrayan two, weighs 3290 kgs as of now. Although there might be a possible increase in the weight of the mission. The launch site  for Chandrayan 2 is, Satish Dhawan Space Centre. The mission duration is as follows, orbiter-1-year, lander – 15 days, and rover – 14-15 days. It will launch with the help of GLSV Mark 3 Launcher. It is also being claimed that, Chandrayan 2 is going to be ISRO’s most complex mission so far. The estimated cost so far, is around 800 crore rupees.

Delay of its launch

It was earlier planned to be launched in the later part of the year 2018, particularly the months of October- November, but there are certain modifications, pertaining to which, it will launch only by the next year. Experts suggest some changes in the mission plans and equipment, due to which the dates are of the next year, 2019. The exact problem of the delay has been its lander. It has been reported that the lander was having some issues while re- throttling.

Additional tests

New test committees are looking into the matter. The group of scientists in charge of the mission are holding additional tests to ensure the success of this mission. Another national level committee has also been formed. It is extremely essential to test Chandrayan 2 thoroughly before it actually takes off. As every component is important and precision is a must.

The journey of its making

The journey of the making of Chandrayan 2, has been a slow one.  It started as a joint venture or mission, between Russia and India. According to the conditions of the tie-up agreement, Russia was responsible for providing the lander for Chandrayan 2. ROSCOMOS, Russian space agency faced a huge crisis, following which Russia delayed delivering the lander. Russia declared that it would not be able to provide a lander by the year 2015, and hence India detached itself from the combined affair. Later, India transformed Chandrayan 2, as a completely independent Indian mission.

Final words on the mission

Several scientists have actually appreciated the delay and have come out in its support saying, that they cannot compromise accuracy, just to do something is a less span of time. Years of research, an abundant amount of knowledge, and the efforts of numerous people have gone into the making and structuring of the mission. The focus area of the launch of the Chandrayan mission is to enhance the communication of rural communication. The mission is in progress and will take an assured shape by the end of this year.

Chetan Mittal: